What is your favorite color? Identify the type of sentence.


Answer 1


It is an interrogative sentence.

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A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning usually with a different spelling. like  there, their, and they're. there is over there, their means that is their toy, and they're is a contraction for they are.
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               THEY'RE over THERE
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               yeah, thanks Mrs. Flo


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Of God or Angel, for they thought no ill:
So hand in hand they passd, the lovliest pair
That ever since in loves imbraces met,
Adam the goodliest man of men since borne
His Sons, the fairest of her Daughters Eve
Under a tuft of shade that on a green
Stood whispering soft, by a fresh Fountain side
They sat them down, and after no more toil
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This phrase refers to the fact that while they were, they didn't think it was a terrible thing since they were innocent.

What is Paradise Lost?

John Milton, an English poet who lived in the 17th century, wrote the epic poem Paradise Lost in blank verse. Ten volumes and more than ten thousand lines of the poem make up the original edition, which was published in 1667. A second version was published in 1674 and was divided into twelve volumes with some minor changes.

In Paradise Lost, Milton makes an effort to "justify the ways of God to humanity" and to make sense of a fallen world.

Milton stands out from a sea of largely unremarkable European epic narrators as the narrator of Paradise Lost.

The moral routes that one can follow after disobedience are essentially illustrated in Paradise Lost by Satan's spiral of growing sin and degradation and Adam and Eve's journey toward salvation.

To raed more about Paradise Lost, refer to - brainly.com/question/8663752


Answer: The right answer is: So passd they naked on, nor shund the sight  

Of God or Angel, for they thought no ill:  

Explanation: It means the were naked but they thought it wasn't a bad thing because they were naive.

In comparing an oak tree with a maple tree, you can correctly say thatA. Both maple and oak trees lose their leaves in the fall.
B. Unlike oak roots, maple roots often invade water lines.
C. Acorns are good to eat, while maple seeds aren't.
D. Oak is often used to make ships, while maple is often used for furniture.


I say that acorns are good to eat, while maple seeds aren't. (C)