|x+12|=323 absolute value


Answer 1




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Please select the best answer and click "submit." The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate.3 What is the main idea of this excerpt from an article in the U.S. Constitution? A. The Constitution gives the president the power to select senators and representatives to serve in Congress. B. The Constitution creates Congress and establishes rules for how senators and representatives are to be elected. C. The Constitution creates the office of the president and establishes rules for how the president is to be elected. D. The Constitution establishes the executive branch as the most powerful branch of government.
Understanding that although the shape of an object may change, the mass of the object stays the same is an example ofA) object permanence. B) a schema. C) conservation. D) accommodation.
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Eliska is 9 months old. One of her favorite games is peek-a-boo, and recently she has begun to pry at her mother's fingers when Mother covers her face. Eliska has developed _____, the understanding that Mother is still behind her hands even when Eliska can't see her.A) sensory operations
B) concrete operations
C) conservation
D) object permanence


The correct answer is object permanence - this is the name for the skill of being able to recognize that an object (here: Mother's face) is always existent, not only when it's visible, but also when it's not visible- thus this object has some sort of permanence in its existence.

D) object permanence

this is the name for the skill of having the ability to recognize that an object (here: mother's face) usually exists, not only that it's visible, but also when it's not visible - so this object has some kind of eternity in it. is.

Further Explanation

Permanent objects are the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be felt (seen, heard, touched, smelled or felt in any way). This is a basic concept learned in the field of developmental psychology, the field of psychology which addresses the development of children's social and mental capacities. There is no scientific consensus about when the understanding of permanent objects arises in human development.

According to this view, through touching and handling objects baby develops objects permanently.

Developmental psychologist Jean Piaget conducted an experiment by collecting behavioral tests in infants. Piaget studies object permanently by observing the baby's reaction when a favorite object or toy is presented and then covered with a blanket or taken out of sight. Permanent objects are considered as one of the earliest methods for evaluating working memory. A baby who has started developing permanent objects can reach for a toy or try to take a blanket from a toy. This undeveloped baby may look confused.

Learn More

Object Permanence  brainly.com/question/1186686#

Basic Concept  brainly.com/question/1186686#


Grade: High School

Subject: Advanced Placement(ap)

Keyword: object, permanence, concept

When two neurons are activated at the same time, the connection between them will increase; this is calledA) parallel distributed processing.
B) semantic networking.
C) long-term potentiation.
D) the serial position effect.


When two neurons are activated at the same time, the connection between them will increase; this is called long-term potentiation. 

Which of the following statements is true about immigration to the United States during the last two decades of the nineteenth century?(A) United States immigrantion laws sharply reduced the number of eligible immigrants.
(B) Irish immigrants came in larger numbers than earlier in the century.
(C) Nativist agitation brought about a decline in immigration.
(D) The United States government entered into a "gentleman's agreement" to ban immigration from certain countries
(E) Southern and Eastern Europeans came in larger numbers than earlier in the century.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "(D) The United States government entered into a "gentleman's agreement" to ban immigration from certain countries." The statement that is true about immigration to the United States during the last two decades of the nineteenth century is that The United States government entered into a "gentleman's agreement" to ban immigration from certain countries.

9. An atom that gains or loses an electron has a net electric charge and is called a/n A. electron. B. ion. C. neutron. D. proton.


When an atom gains/loses an electron is becomes an B) Ion. It can either have a positive or negative charge and still be an Ion. A negative charge would be referred to as an anion. A positive charge would be referred to as a cation.

An atom that gains or loses an electron has a net electric charge and is called an ion.

Which was a major effect of the cold war on the United States in the 1950s?a. Congress passed laws prohibiting United States contact with communist countries.
b. The United States refused to enter military alliances with other nations.
c. Participation, or even past participation, in extremist movements was viewed as un-American.
d. Americans were required to take loyalty oaths before registering to vote.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "c. Participation, or even past participation, in extremist movements was viewed as un-American." The major effect of the cold war on the United States in the 1950s is that the participation, or even past participation, in extremist movements was viewed as un-American.

Anything that has volume or mass is


called matter. good luck:)
Anything that has volume or mass is called matter!