leonard avoids going out to eat with his family at restaurants. he is concerned that others may watch him and criticize his table manners. which is the most likely diagnosis? a. Agoraphobia b. Specific situational phobia c. Social anxiety disorder d. Generalized anxiety disorder


Answer 1

Answer: C. social anxiety disorder

Explanation: Social anxiety disorder is an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others.

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What was the purpose of morgan spurlock's in doing this experiment, Super Size Me?


I believe it was to prove that eating Mc Donalds and junk food every day can be very bad for your body. Eating the junk that he ate gave him major heath issues. High blood pressure, he gained a lot of weight, and he was feeling sick all the time. Those were just a few of the horrible things that he experienced. In the beginning of the movie Mr. spurlock  expressed specifically why he did the experiment. Later on in the film Spurlock was asked on several occasions why he was putting himself at risk and he answered them by stating that he wanted to prove that fried fatty foods from mcDonalds was bad and can harm you when you eat too it too much.

Final answer:

The purpose of Morgan Spurlock's experiment in Super Size Me was to investigate the health effects of consuming fast food on a daily basis and raise awareness about the negative impact it can have on health.


The purpose of Morgan Spurlock's experiment in the documentary Super Size Me was to investigate the health effects of consuming fast food on a daily basis. Spurlock wanted to highlight the potential dangers of a diet high in fast food and raise awareness about the negative impact it can have on an individual's health.

Throughout the experiment, Spurlock ate only McDonald's food for 30 days, following their policy of accepting every offer to upsize or 'super size' a meal. By documenting the physical and psychological toll of this diet, Spurlock aimed to expose the detrimental effects of the fast food industry and encourage healthier eating habits.

Learn more about The Purpose of Morgan Spurlock's Experiment in Super Size Me here:



Please help!!! Describe two types of drugs and the negative impact the abuse of these drugs can have on a person's health.


Club Drugs (LSD) (Ecstasy)
Cause Rapid Heartbeat which can lead to death and are often used in crowded hot places causing rapid dehydration which can also lead to death

Bath Salts is a Hallucinogen 
this causes the user to "see" things that aren't there and is extreme casess they will mutilate their own bodies to get rid of these "things" it also cause rapid heart beat leading to major heart problems
Methamphetamine, heroine, cocaine, crokidil, marijuana

“Healthy environment supports healthy and happy life." Justify​


If you are in an environment that is healthy then you will be healthy and you can also live a happy life.

How to minimize the heat loss in a chemical reaction


The usual answer (and correct) is to improve on the insulation, for example by covering the calorimeter, and using two cups, one inside the other.

Further improvements can be made
1) carrying out the experiment over as short a period of time as possible. reason; any calorimeter will loose heat, but the shorter the time allowed, the less heat will be lost.
2) Use a larger calorimeter, with greater volume of solution. reason; the greater the solvent mass requires more energy to obtain the same change in temperature. You get a smaller temp change for the same reaction, so less losses to the surroundings.
3) calibrate your calorimeter heat the same volume of pure water to a similar temperature as that which the reaction produces. Then determine the rate of heat loss over a period of time, say take temp every minute for 30 minutes, and plot a graph. This will give you a calibration curve that you can use to apply a correction for your calorimeter.

What is one of the goals of the healthy people 2020 initiative


Physical Activity: 

One of the objectives is to reduce the proportion of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 

To ensure the greatest nutritional benefits, dietary guidelines suggest which of the following?


There are no choices listed but eating a balanced diet is a start.  This means more fruits and vegetables and less fatty foods.  Also one should quit alcohol and smoking.  Lessen the intake of red meat and exercise more.  Make sure you get enough sleep and avoid stress for good health.


A. Eating nutrient -dense foods

B. Cooking foods throughly

C. Washing foods before eating them

D. Eliminating all snacks from a diet