Explain how each of Darley and Latane's experiments from the video: (1) the fake seizure and (2) the smoke filled room help explain the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility.


Answer 1
Answer: Skinner showed how positive reinforcement worked by placing a hungry rat in his Skinner box. Positive reinforcement strengthens a behavior by providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding
Answer 2



skinner showed how postive reinforcement worked by placing a hungry rat in his skinner box. postive reinforcement strengthens a behavior by providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding

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The viewpoint of a group of individuals on an issue or problem is called:public relations
public opinion
glittering generalization


The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by your question is the third choice.

The viewpoint of a group of individuals on an issue or problem is called public opinion.

I hope my answer has come to your help. Thank you for posting your question here in Brainly. We hope to answer more of your questions and inquiries soon. Have a nice day ahead!

public opinion is the answer have a great day y'all

Which of the following situations would you most likely use empathic listening A) during a play
B) conversations with friends or family
C) persuasive speeches
D) when listening to music


the answer is B - and that because you should have a sincere empathy for your family and friends and help them if the situation requires that. 

If the message of a song that you are listening is about someone suffering, you may empathize but not for long and no in a profound way. 

When does Beah flash back to the last time he saw his parents


Beah flash backed to the last time she saw his parents while she is sleeping. The theme that is expressed in the passage is the feeling of anticipation. In here, the narrator expresses deeply his desire for coming home feeling like he is in this moment.

Why were the 1950s considered the "Golden Age of Food Processing"?A. People worried that pesticides on fresh produce were dangerous.
B. People believed food processing was scientific and therefore better.
C. Obesity was a less serious condition, and no one worried about it.
D. Fresh meat and produce were not readily available to consumers.


The correct answer is B. People believed food processing was scientific and therefore better. The 1950's is considered the "Golden Age of Food Processing" because they invested heavily on food processing to provide meals of the future. Sales of refrigerators and freezers are higher during this era. 

The 1950s considered the "Golden Age of Food Processing"  because people believed food processing was scientific and therefore better. Therefore, option B is correct.

During the 1950s, food processing was viewed as a modern and scientific approach to food production. This perception was influenced by advancements in technology, such as refrigeration, canning, and freezing, which allowed for mass production, preservation, and distribution of food.

These developments were seen as beneficial because they could extend the shelf life of food, ensure food safety, and provide convenience to consumers.

The rise of scientific knowledge and the influence of the post-war era's emphasis on progress and efficiency led people to trust in the advancements of food science.

Thus, option B is correct.

To learn more about food processing, follow the link:



Identify the figurative language used in these stanzas of Amy Lowell's "In Excelsis." In complete sentences, explain how it is used to convey meaning in the poem.

Your shadow is sunlight on a plate of silver;
Your footsteps, the seeding-place of lilies;
Your hands moving, a chime of bells across a windless air.
The movement of your hands is the long, golden running of light from a rising sun;
It is the hopping of birds upon a garden-path.


The figurative language used in the above stanzas is METAPHOR. 

Metaphor is a comparison of two objects that are unrelated but have similarities. These similarities are used for more rhetorical effect and to catch audience's attention.

Shadow is compared to sunlight on a plate of silver.
Footsteps is compared to seeding-place of lilies
Moving hands is compared to chime of bells.
Movement of hands is compared to light of a rising sun and hopping of birds.


"Your shadow is sunlight on a plate of silver;" is an example of a metaphor. The metaphor helps to convey the meaning of the poem by explaining that her shadow is sunlight, which helps to show the meaning of the poem, the admiration of the individual. "The movement of your hands is the long, golden running of light from a rising sun"; this quote would be an example of hyperbole. A hyperbole is a literary device that features an extreme exaggeration that isn’t meant to be taken literally. The author mentions her hands being the long, golden running light from the rising sun; she's exaggerating the length of the movement of her hands. This also contributes to the meaning of the poem, because the admiration is exaggerated by the author. Another figurative language would be personification. An example of it would be "the movement of your hands; it is the hopping of birds upon a garden-path". This quote would be an example of personification because hands can't literally hop like birds. 


Identify the compound sentence.A. Because it had been sunny all week, we did not bring umbrellas.
b. The rain began to fall, but we did not want to leave.
C. Last summer, we decided to drive to the beach.
D. While it rained on the beach, we swam in the ocean.


 Thecompound sentence in the above choices is letter b. The rain began to fall, butwe did not want to leave. Sentence could be simple (one independent clause), compound (twoindependent clause with coordinating conjunction), complex (a subordinate &independent clause) and compound-complex sentences (subordinate & twoindependent clause). These include clauses, conjunctions, coherence and balanceand even to the number of words you use in your subject and predicate. Thebenefit of complex or compound sentences is that it could give you moreexplanation on the subject or topic of the sentence. This gives you a much moreunderstanding on what the sentence is trying to portray or to message to give.