Write a Brief Report with a well-supported controlling idea.“Harrison Bergeron,” a short story by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., is set in an imaginary future in which the government has made it illegal for people to compete with one another. Imagine that you live in the world of the story. The government is rethinking its policy against competition and has sent you back in time to the year 2020 to observe and report on the effects of competition.

Write a one-paragraph Brief Report of your findings. Begin by clearly stating your controlling idea, or the main idea of your writing. For this report, your controlling idea might be:

competition has many negative effects
the positive effects of competition outweigh the negative ones
the effects of competition are neither all good nor all bad
another idea of your choice
Support, or maintain, your controlling idea with strong reasons and effective evidence, such as the outcome of a competition that illustrates your point clearly.

Restate your controlling idea in your conclusion and end with a final thought for readers to consider.


Answer 1


Here is a draft Brief Report on the effects of competition set in the world of "Harrison Bergeron":

Controlling Idea: The effects of competition are neither entirely positive nor completely negative; rather, competition brings out both constructive and harmful behaviors in people.

After observing the year 2020, I found that competition frequently motivates people to strive for excellence. The Olympics showcase incredible athletic achievements only possible through competitors pushing each other. Businesses work diligently on innovative products and services to outdo their rivals. Students study rigorously to earn top exam scores. This drive fuels progress and growth.

However, competition also enhances negative qualities like greed, jealousy, and dishonesty. Companies steal ideas and sabotage others' reputations. Athletes use banned substances to get an edge. Students even cheat to rank above their peers. Competition brings out humanity's worst impulses along with its best.

In conclusion, competition is a complex beast. Its positive effects inspire people to maximize their potential. But it also corrupts integrity and sportsmanship. Perhaps the ideal world lies between the extremes of "Harrison Bergeron" and 2020. With balanced policies encouraging healthy competition while curbing cutthroat excess, society could thrive. I hope these observations aid the government's reconsideration of competition laws.


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Letter to a friend about telling him about my paid work that I did during the last school holiday:

Saga Apartments,

New Delhi,

20 December,2021.

Dear Jay,

 How are you? I hope you are doing well and enjoying the holidays.

I figured that whereas we're on a occasion, it would be way better on  the off chance that I fair attempt my hand and work, rather than passing my time doing nothing.

So, I inquired my relatives in case they know of any part-time work that I can do for a month. Fortunately, one of my cousin's companions proposed that I work in his family's eatery. So, I took the chance.

My work was to work at the counter with the orders additionally to oversee a few arrangements, which I failed pitiably at to begin with. But after a handful of days, I overseen to urge a get a handle on of things.

I moreover had to hold up tables, offer assistance the clients with their complaints, etc. The family's eatery was named "Delicious", which superbly summed up the nourishment that was served. It incorporates all Asian food, a bit of Italian conjointly a few American fast-food.

Now, I hope that once we have a holiday, we can both work somewhere and you'll also get to experience the same.

Take care and hope to see you soon.

Yours Sincerely,


Learn more ,



Letter to a friend about telling him about my paid work that I did during the last school holiday.


ABC Apartments

New Delhi

10 July 2019

My dear friend Jay,

How are you? I hope you are doing well and enjoying the holidays.

I am also doing fine and well. I got myself a job during our holidays and that's what I am writing to you about.

I figured that while we're on a holiday, it would be better if I just try my hand and work, instead of passing my time doing nothing. So, I asked my relatives if they know of any part-time job that I can do for a month. Luckily, one of my cousin's friends suggested that I work in his family's restaurant. So, I took the chance.

My job was to work at the counter with the orders and also to manage some preparations, which I failed miserably at first. But after a couple of days, I managed to get a grasp of things. I also had to wait tables, help the customers with their complaints, etc. The family's restaurant was named "Delicious", which perfectly summed up the food that was served. It includes all Asian cuisine, a bit of Italian and also some American fast-food.

At first, I was skeptical about working in a restaurant. But as tiring as it was, by the end of the four weeks, I learned several lessons that I never realized or thought I'd learn or even know of. The experience taught me the importance of patience, listening to others, putting others first, perseverance, etc.

I wouldn't say the four weeks were the best experience but I would also agree that it was one of the most life-changing moments in my life. I am happy I did go through with the work, aside from the money that I was paid.

Now, I hope that once we have a holiday, we can both work somewhere and you'll also get to experience the same.

Take care and hope to see you soon.



What type of figurative language is used in this sentence from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee? People moved slowly then. There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy, and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County. A. metaphor. B. alliteration C. hyperbole D. euphemism E. oxymoron


C. hyperbole

A hyperbole is an over exaggeration. In this case, the narrator is exaggerating the effect of the Great Depression. The purpose of this hyperbole is to show how poor everyone is. A metaphor is a comparison between two different things without using like or as. Nothing is being compared so A is wrong. Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of a group of words. There is no alliteration so B is wrong. A euphemism is a word that is substituted for a harsher word so as to seem nicer. For example, one might say they've been let go instead of fired. An oxymoron is a statement of opposites such as jumbo shrimp.

The type of figurative language used in the sentence is hyperbole.

The type of figurative language used in the sentence from To Kill a Mockingbird is hyperbole.

Hyperbole is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect. In the sentence, the author is emphasizing the slowness of people's movements by stating that there was no hurry and nothing to do or see.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. hyperbole.

Learn more about figurative language here:



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Which sentence in this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich suggests that Ivan Ilyich tried his best to escape from the reality of his troubled family life? Praskovya Fedorovna blamed her husband for every inconvenience they encountered in their new home. Most of the conversations between husband and wife, especially as to the children's education, led to topics which recalled former disputes, and these disputes were apt to flare up again at any moment. There remained only those rare periods of amorousness which still came to them at times but did not last long. These were islets at which they anchored for a while and then again set out upon that ocean of veiled hostility which showed itself in their aloofness from one another. This aloofness might have grieved Ivan Ilyich had he considered that it ought not to exist, but he now regarded the position as normal, and even made it the goal at which he aimed in family life. His aim was to free himself more and more from those unpleasantness and to give them a semblance of harmlessness and propriety. He attained this by spending less and less time with his family, and when obliged to be at home he tried to safeguard his position by the presence of outsiders. The chief thing however was that he had his official duties. The whole interest of his life now centered in the official world and that interest absorbed him. The consciousness of his power, being able to ruin anybody he wished to ruin, the importance, even the external dignity of his entry into court, or meetings with his subordinates, his success with superiors and inferiors, and above all his masterly handling of cases, of which he was conscious—all this gave him pleasure and filled his life, together with chats with his colleagues, dinners, and bridge. So that on the whole Ivan Ilyich's life continued to flow as he considered it should do—pleasantly and properly.