What and when did mesoamericans begin to cultivate?


Answer 1


They cultivated mainioc, beans, chili, peppers, avacodos, and gourds by, 4000 B.C.E.


Agriculture in me so American dates far back to the Archaicperiodofme so Americanchronology(8000-2000B.C) So from their on hunting began to be the main life style for them.

Threw the late era of pleistocene (50,000-10,000BC) Led them to relying on a hunting life style and gathering subsetences so when that dominated that era, then began the cultivation that progressed growing plants and everything they would need to eat.

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A. Russia mobilized its troops


A. Russia mobilized its troops


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a. True
b. False


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In what way did the Americans break the rules of the 18th century warfare?


Final answer:

Americans broke the rules of 18th century warfare through guerrilla tactics, irregular units, and unconventional weapons and tactics.


In the 18th century, Americans broke the rules of warfare in several ways. One major way was through the use of guerrilla tactics during the American Revolutionary War. Instead of engaging in traditional open-field battles, American forces used hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and sniping to disrupt and weaken the British army. This unconventional approach was highly effective against the heavily regimented and predictable British forces.

Another way Americans broke the rules of 18th century warfare was through the use of irregular and partisan units, such as militias. These units, composed of citizen-soldiers, played a critical role in the American Revolution. They relied on local knowledge, flexible maneuvering, and surprise attacks to undermine British control and achieve strategic objectives.

Lastly, Americans also challenged the rules of warfare by using unconventional weapons and tactics. For example, American privateers, privately-owned armed ships, targeted British merchant vessels during the Revolutionary War, disrupting British supply chains and weakening their economy. This asymmetrical approach to warfare helped tip the scales in favor of the American revolutionaries.

Learn more about Americans broke the rules of 18th century warfare here:



Answer: Hello. America did not ‘break’ the rules but here are a few things you may be looking for.

Explanation: English officers bought their commissions, America had no aristocracy, so commissions were based mostly on ability, experience and connections.

Targeting officers.

Use of militias.

Use of Irregular forces. Lining one’s soldiers in a row

standing up

marching them towards the enemy soldiers

standing in a line marching towards your soldiers

No hiding behind trees allowed!

According to the Declaration of Independence what right did the British often violate



Explanation:The most important and dramatic statement comes near the end: “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.” It declares a complete break with Britain and its King and claims the powers of an independent country.

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