Mi casa tiene cuartos ___ la casa de marta


Answer 1



Mi casa tiene cuartos parecidos a la casa de marta

I don't know if you want me to complete the sentence with a specific verb or in a specific way tho.

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Plz help with my Spanish homework i need it for a test!! Fill in the blanks plz!

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Flour and spices. Green platain and ground meat. Hog maw. The crafts, music and joy of people. crafts. Christmas songs accompanied by the güiro and the tambourine.


PromptWrite out a short conversation in Spanish between two people who are meeting each other for the first time. Each person
needs to say at least three lines.
*Note: This is a practice activity. Completing this activity will not only prepare you for future tests and assessments but,
more importantly, it will enhance your language ability. This activity will not count towards your grade.
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Person1: Hola!

Person2: Hola!

Person1: Como estas?

Person2: Yo estoy mui bien!

Person1: Que bien! Y como te llamas?

Person2: Yo me llamo (insert name). Y usted?

Person1: Yo me llamo (insert name). Fue un placer conocerte!

Person2: Y usted igual! Que tenga un buen dia!

Person1: Que tengas buen dia!


¿De qué lengua proviene el término “Belice”? a. Africana c. Maya b. Europea d. Francesa



El término "Belice" proviene de la lengua:

c. Maya.


There are numerous theories about the place name origin of the word Belize or "Belice" in Spanish:

  1. It is attributed to the bad pronunciation of the surname of a Scottish pirate named Peter Wallace.
  2. To the French word "baliza" which in Portuguese is very similar to "beliza".

Although, according to the chronicles of Fray José Delgado who come from 1677, the Belize River was already named by the Maya with the word "balis", which translates "muddy" and is very similar to the current word used, by this reason is considered Maya that term.

d. francesa....french

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_____ (de Chile) que venden en los supermercados.


El país produce muchos alimentos CHILENOS que venden en los supermercados.

Ana y Lucía son buenas amigas.
A. ellos
B. ellas
C. vosotras
D. ustedes


Answer:the answer is B

Explanation: Since your talking about two females it’s ell(as)

If it was one female it would’ve been ella

Ellas son buenas amigas Ana y lucia

What does "tajada" mean in spanish?


Hi There!

What does "tajada" mean in spanish?

to get one's share, take one's cut! :)
Tajada in spanish(espanol) would mean to take one's slice.

Hope that helped! :D
Other Questions
Pretend you and your family are traveling to South America. Please choose a place of interest in a city from Ecuador. Write a short description of the place of interest you and your family are going to travel to and an activity you are going to do there. You are going to also describe how you feel when you travel and your plans. Write two (2) complete Spanish sentences. Include the following details in your description, using only material learned from this lesson/course:You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿.*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers keeping academic integrity intact.Write one (1) complete Spanish sentence stating where you and your family are going in Ecuador and what you and your family are going to do there. Remember to use the correct form of the verb ir + a + infinitive and the conjunction y to join them. (e.g., My family and I are going to Guayaquil, Ecuador, and we are going to walk around the gardens on the boardwalk.)Write one (1) complete Spanish sentence using at least two feelings to describe either your feelings about going on vacation or about something you are going to do there. Remember to use the yo form of the verb sentirse.hint: Sentirse is a reflexive and a stem-changing verb. (e.g., I feel a little nervous about flying on a plane, but I feel excited about whitewater rafting on the river.)