To read to watch to look, to write,
to pay
to buy
to dance
to look for
to eat
to live
to run
to read
to read to watch to look, to write, to pay - 1


Answer 1

Here are the Spanish verbs matched with their equivalent in English:

1. leer - to read

2. comprar - to buy

3. vivir - to live

4. buscar - to search

5. comer - to eat

6. escribir - to write

7. pagar - to pay

8. mirar - to look/watch

These are the English equivalents for the given Spanish verbs.

Answer 2
Answer: To watch ; Ver
To look ; Mirar
To write ; Escribir
To pay ; Pagar
To buy ; Comprar
To dance ; Bailar
To look for ; Buscar
To eat ; Comer
To live ; Vivir
To run ; Correr
To read ; Leer

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*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers keeping academic integrity intact.

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Ya mañana es el día en el que mi familia y yo viajaremos a Ecuador. Visitaremos la capital llamada Quito. Me emociona mucho el hecho de poder viajar a Latinoamérica y conocer una cultura totalmente distinta a la mía. Tenemos planeado visitar el volcán Quilotoa. Me parece una actividad increíble para hacer en familia ya que los alrededores de ese lugar se miran asombrosos. ¡Estoy seguro/a de que este viaje sera inolvidable!


Which herbal remedy would most likely be used to treat a sunburn


There are several herbal remedies to treat sunburn. Aloe Vera is a perfect and natural way to treat sunburns. For those people that spend a lot of the time under the sun due to professional pressures or any other reason need to care for their skin, otherwise the sunburns can be very painful. Aloe Vera actually has a huge amount of glyconutrients and this accelerates the rate of healing. It is important to take a matured leaf from the Aloe Vera plant and then cut it. The thick gel like substance that comes out should be put on the places of sunburn. It will cure the sunburn faster than any other synthetically produced creams in the market.
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Which of the following sentences could take the place of: El médico les da unas pastillas a los pacientes.

a) Se las da.
b) Le las da.
c) Las le da.


it would be A. Se las da.
Correct A se las da.

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you watched a movie at the cinema last friday
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