What is the action of pressing and releasing a mouse button called in multiple-choice questions?


Answer 1




Definition: The act of pressing and releasing a mouse-button.

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PLS HELP ASAPP!!!What factors prompted leaders to work to replace the Articles of Confederation with a new constitution



Shays rebellion was one of the first events to alert the Federal government of the weakness of the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation left the majority of the power in the hands of the state government.  The federal government was unable to raise an army in order to put down the reellian. IN addition the federal government was in great debt after the war and did not have the means to raise funds in order to pay back the debt.


Weakness of the Articles of confederation included

  • Congress could not tax
  • Congress could not enforce laws
  • No national court system
  • Changes required 100% consent of all states

Who and what influenced Hitler's anti-Semitic views?


He was influenced by the Upper Pan-German nationalism movement circulated by Gorg Von 

Why is the amount of rainfall so important for the climate?



- The amount of rainfall is crucial for the climate because it directly affects various natural processes and ecosystems.

- Rainfall plays a significant role in regulating temperature, supporting plant growth, and maintaining water cycles. It helps to distribute heat around the Earth, cooling the atmosphere and influencing weather patterns.

- Rainfall is essential for agriculture and the survival of plants, as it provides the necessary moisture for their growth and development. It also replenishes water sources such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater, ensuring a sustainable supply for human consumption and other activities.

- Additionally, rainfall influences the distribution and abundance of various species, impacting biodiversity and ecological balances.

- Therefore, the amount of rainfall is a vital factor in determining the overall climate conditions of a region.

Can someone simply explain how the U.S. is not a true democracy?



Americans believe they have a right to vote for all elected officials who represent them, including the president. But nowhere does the Constitution guarantee that as an absolute right. Throughout our history, that ambiguity has made it easy for politicians and parties to disenfranchise people they do not want to vote. The Constitution requires the states to have a republican form of government, but that clause has never been understood to mandate universal suffrage. The framers left voting and citizenship almost entirely up to the individual states, notably in Article One, Section Four, which specified that “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof” (although it stipulated that “the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations”). From 1789 to 2019, the legislative and judicial branches have been cautious about interfering in what is presumed to be the prerogative of the individual states.

Since the Civil War, a series of constitutional amendments, acts of Congress, and Supreme Court decisions have extended the right to vote, but always through negative prohibitions on what a state or locality may do. The lack of affirmative guarantees of the right to vote has repeatedly created space for legal disenfranchisement. The Fifteenth Amendment (1870) barred voter disenfranchisement on the basis of race or color, just as the Nineteenth banned the use of gender (1920), and the Twenty-Sixth (1972) age (for anyone eighteen or older). The Twenty-Fourth Amendment (1965) outlawed requiring payment of a tax as a prerequisite for voting in federal (but not state or local) elections. Beginning with the 1962 Baker v. Carr decision, the Supreme Court required “one person/one vote” proportionality in allocating congressional, state, and local legislative districts. Finally, the Voting Rights Act (VRA) in 1965 gave the federal government the authority to intervene when state or municipal governments impeded voter registration or limited access to the polls.

It is the longer history that matters here. The VRA, the Twenty-Fourth Amendment, and related judicial decisions were extremely belated responses to sustained disenfranchisement. Between 1890 and 1908, nearly all of the southern states circumvented the Fifteenth Amendment through formally race-neutral legislation, including literacy tests, poll taxes, and the grandfather clause. All of these measures passed muster with the Supreme Court for many decades. Nor were such measures limited to the South. During the Progressive Era, numerous northern and western states mandated strict residency and registration regulations to limit voting by poor people, especially immigrants. Although most people assume the VRA covered only the South, its pre-clearance provisions (meaning the Department of Justice must approve changes in voting laws) have also applied to parts of New York City and some western states with large Native American populations because of prima facie evidence of racial disenfranchisement.

Most of the legal apparatus of disenfranchisement was dismantled in the 1950s and 1960s. But recent history demonstrates that none of the constitutional, judicial, and legislative precedents established then have prevented states from again disenfranchising large sections of their electorates. Since 2006, almost three dozen states have passed “voter identification” laws requiring documents that poor people, people of color, students, and older voters find expensive and difficult to procure. The result (and intent) is to disfranchise many thousands of otherwise-eligible voters, some of whom had voted for decades. In addition, unregulated purges of voting rolls based on arbitrary criteria have surged, also removing many from voter rolls. In all these instances, the Supreme Court has been wholly unwilling to intervene, and in 2013, its Shelby County v. Alabama decision gutted the Voting Rights Act’s provision requiring Department of Justice pre-clearance.


Lol sorry this isn't that simple of an answer, but I hope it helps!


The people on the branches are mainly in charge of every thing


What documents do i need to get a passport


Hey There! The documents you need to make a passport are, a driver license, photocopy of important documents and a government/military issued card (only if you have one) Have A Brainly Day!

forms that you need to get a passport are of identification that include naturalization certificate, driver's license, military ID card or other current government-issued ID. And also a photocopy of the certain individual.

Which event was not related to the anti-Vietnam War movement?Kent State University killings

Democratic National Convention violence

March on Washington

assassinations of King and Kennedy


"Assassinations of King and Kennedy" is the one event among the following choices given in the question that was not related to the anti-Vietnam War movement. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the fourth option or the last option. I hope the answer helped you.