There is a significant relationship between parental and child deviance levels. True/False


Answer 1

Final answer:

There is a significant correlation between parental and child deviance levels, largely due to factors such as the modeling of behavior and environmental exposure. However, correlation does not imply causation, and individual factors can also influence a child's deviance level.


The statement 'There is a significant relationship between parental and child deviance levels' refers to ongoing research within the field of sociology and psychology. Numerous studies have indicated that there is indeed a significant correlation between parental deviance level and child deviance level. That is, if parents exhibit deviant behavior, it is more likely that their children will similarly demonstrate deviant behavior.

This correlation is believed to occur due to factors such as the modeling of behavior, where children learn and imitate the behaviors of their parents, and the environmental factors, such as living in a high-crime neighborhood, which the parents might expose the child to. However, it's important to remember that while a correlation exists, this does not imply causation. It doesn't mean that parental deviance will always lead to child deviance. Individual factors such as personality and peer influence also play a significant role in determining a child's deviance level.

Learn more about Parental and Child Deviance here:


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The cell membrane serves many functions. One of the cell membranes functions is to help the cell maintain homeostasis. How does the cell membrane do that ?



The cell membrane help to maintaining homeostasis by regulating the flow of substances through it and by recognizing potentially harmful agents to the cell.


Cellular membrane is constituted by a lipidic bilayer, whose characteristics allow it to behave as a semi-permeable membrane to the passage of substances.

The selective permeability of the membrane makes it possible to regulate the passage of water, molecules and ions through it into the cell and from there into the extracellular space, a characteristic that allows the maintenance of homeostasis.

Additionally, the cell surface can identify foreign and potentially harmful agents, which can affect the internal balance, preventing in most cases their passage into the cell.  

Final answer:

The cell membrane maintains homeostasis through its selectively permeable nature which controls the transport of substances in and out of the cell. The fluidity and flexibility of the cell membrane is crucial in this process. In addition, it provides cell identification and controls interactions with the environment.


The cell membrane plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis by controlling the content of the cell. It does this by being selectively permeable, which means it allows only certain molecules to pass through. Transport of materials such as water, oxygen, nutrients, and waste products in and out of the cell is managed by the membrane transport mechanisms.

The cell membrane's fluidity aids this process, enabling proteins to move to areas where they are needed. Furthermore, it is flexible enough to let cells like red and white blood cells change shape as they navigate through narrow capillaries.

Moreover, the cell membrane is responsible for defining the cell's borders and managing its interaction with the environment, including taking in substances, excluding others, and excreting in controlled quantities. It also carries markers that allow cells to recognize each other, a crucial ability for tissue and organ formation, and immune response.

Learn more about cell membrane here:


How does water enter the atmosphere


the sun evaporates the water from ponds, oceans...etc. There the water turns into water vapor, a gas. Then it participates from the cloud and restarts all over again.

Water enters the atmosphere through a process called evaporation. Evaporation occurs when liquid water, such as that in oceans, lakes, rivers, or even moist soil, absorbs energy from the sun and transforms into water vapor, which is a gaseous state.

The energy from the sun breaks the bonds between water molecules, allowing them to escape into the air as vapor. Once in the atmosphere, water vapor can rise and form clouds through a process called condensation, where water vapor cools and condenses back into tiny water droplets or ice crystals.

Eventually, these water droplets may coalesce and fall back to the Earth's surface as precipitation, such as rain or snow. This continuous cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation is known as the water cycle, and it plays a crucial role in redistributing water across the planet.

To know more about evaporation:


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Natural selection can best be defined as the _____.a. survival of the biggest and strongest organisms in a populationb. elimination of the smallest organisms by the biggest organismsc. survival and reproduction of the organisms that occupy the largest aread. survival and reproduction of the organisms that are genetically best adapted to the environment


Natural selection can best be defined as the survival and reproduction of the organisms that are genetically best adapted to the environment. The correct option is D

What is Natural selection ?

Natural selection, which refers to the process by which particular features become more or less prevalent in a population over successive generations, is a key mechanism of evolution. It happens when people that possess specific favorable features have a higher likelihood of living and procreating, passing those traits down to their progeny.

These beneficial qualities become more prevalent in the population over time, improving the population's ability to adapt to the environment. Conversely, individuals with less advantageous qualities have a lower likelihood of surviving and procreating, which causes those traits to become less prevalent in the population. Populations gradually evolve and adapt to their unique habitats as a result of this process.

Therefore, (Option D) is correct.

Learn more about Natural selection here :




survival and reproduction of the organisms that are genetically best adapted to the environment


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Hawaii has a tropical climate, so it should be D. Hawaii is fairly close to the equator.