How did the african american kingdom of songhai ,benin, and kongo all gain power?


Answer 1


The African kingdoms of Songhai, Benin, and Kongo each gained power through unique historical processes and circumstances. Here's a brief overview of how they achieved power:

Songhai Empire:

Leadership and Military Expansion: The Songhai Empire, located in West Africa, became a powerful state under the leadership of its early rulers, notably Sonni Ali and Askia Muhammad. These leaders organized a formidable military force, which enabled them to conquer neighboring regions and expand their territory.

Control of Trade Routes: Songhai's strategic location along the trans-Saharan trade routes allowed it to control and profit from the trade of valuable resources such as gold, salt, and slaves.

Innovation and Administration: The Songhai Empire had a well-structured administration and governance system. It implemented innovations like a standardized currency and a legal code to maintain stability and control over its vast territory.

Benin Empire (Edo Kingdom):

Political Structure: The Benin Empire, located in what is now southern Nigeria, gained power through its well-organized and centralized political structure. The Oba (king) held significant authority and was supported by a council of chiefs and nobles.

Art and Trade: Benin was renowned for its skilled artists and craftsmen, producing intricate brass and ivory sculptures. These artistic creations were traded and valued throughout the region, contributing to the kingdom's wealth and influence.

Control of Trade Routes: Similar to Songhai, the Benin Empire controlled trade routes, including river trade, which allowed them to regulate commerce and accumulate wealth.

Kongo Kingdom:

Centralized Rule: The Kongo Kingdom, located in Central Africa, gained power through centralized rule under a king or monarch. The kingdom had a hierarchical structure with provincial governors and local leaders.

Trade and Christianity: The Kongo Kingdom engaged in trade with European explorers and traders. The Portuguese, in particular, established contact and introduced Christianity to the Kongo. The king converted to Christianity, which created diplomatic ties and brought economic benefits.

Integration of European Influence: By accommodating European interests and converting to Christianity, the Kongo Kingdom sought to maintain political stability and take advantage of European technology and trade, at least in the early period of contact.

These African kingdoms gained and maintained power through a combination of military conquest, control of trade routes and valuable resources, stable governance structures, and, in some cases, interactions with external powers such as Europeans. Each kingdom had its own unique historical context and strategies for acquiring and sustaining power.


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The Anti Federalists saw themselves as defenders of the principles of the American Revolution and feared that the new government would widely abuse its powers.


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The correct answer is D : The court will provide Johnny an attorney.

Gideon v. Wainwright was a landmark Supreme Court decision. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that states are required to provide an attorney to defendants in criminal cases if they can not afford their own ones. The Court based its opinion on the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution.

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Gideon v. Wainwright is all about the court having to supply defendants that can't afford an attorney. So your answer would be the last one. 

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you are in an open primary

well if the person already has their green card then they would submit the application to iNS so the answer is

A. submit application to INS

2. answer would be C.) Open primary. 
for question 20. they must A.) submit an application to the INS.

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The answer is D.all of the above.  During the era of slavery, many Democrats favored the slave system as it was their main source of labor in the plantations.  They also fought against banking systems because they were worried about the controls that the banks had over people’s money.  They also debated on tariffs due to the protection of their local industries.


The answer is All of the above


I say this because Democrats are mainly for the people whenever Republicans are more traditional.

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D. congress hesitated, then agreed to ratify it.


hope it's helps