What is the estimated total incubation period of the hepatitis E virus? a) 2 to 4 weeks b) 4 to 6 months c) 6 to 12 days d) 1 to 2 years


Answer 1


2-4 weeks. the spectrum of illness ranges

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Patients who have to sit in a chair to breathe comfortably when they sleep have: A) Hypopnea B) Orthopnea C) Dyspnea D) Angina


Orthopnea is your correct answer.

Orthopnea is a condition in which individuals experience difficulty breathing when lying flat and find relief by sitting up or propping themselves up with pillows. It is commonly associated with certain respiratory or cardiac conditions, such as congestive heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

A pregame meal should include foods that are a.high-fiber carbohydrates. b. easily digrstible carbohydrates c. high in fat d. high in protein.


- - a.high-fiber carbohydrates.
This is because its important to have high-fiber carbohydrates in meals. 

Final answer:

An ideal pregame meal should include easily digestible carbohydrates as the primary source of energy along with some protein. High-fat and high-fiber foods, while part of a healthy overall diet, are less desirable before athletic events.


A pregame meal should include foods that are easily digestible carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a key part of our diet and are often vital for those needing a quick, efficient energy source. They provide energy to the body, particularly through glucose - a simple sugar that is a component of many foods.

Fats provide more calories than carbohydrates, but they take longer to digest and can make an athlete feel sluggish or heavy during their game. High-fiber foods also provide volume and a feeling of fullness, but they may not be ideal before an athletic event as they can slow digestion and cause discomfort.

Proteins are essential as well, but they are not used as a primary energy source for physical activity. Instead, they are used to build and repair body tissues and produce enzymes and hormones. Therefore, an ideal pregame meal should focus on easily digestible carbohydrates, but also include some protein.

Learn more about Carbohydrates here:



julies boyfriend has been lying to her and treating her poorly. She is worried that she won't have anyone to go on dates with anymore, so she is going to put up with his behavior. Analyze the consequences of her decision.


she's under pressure so she puts up with his behavior

For my homework we have to write a letter to agony aunt. and then answer them as if you were the agony aunt.Mine is That my best friend breasts hurt and she is worrying.
What can i say for the agony aunt


Say exactly what you're thinking. Just let the words flow. Something like,
Dear agony aunt,
My best friend's breasts hurt and it's worrying her a lot. I don't know how to help her, or if I even can.
signed x
And then your agony aunt part can say something along the lines of,
I'm sorry to hear that your friend's breasts hurt and it's worrying her. It could be something as bad as cancer, or something as simple as her breasts growing. Breasts sometimes hurt for no reason at all, but if it's persisting, I would probably go see a doctor. Suggest that gently, so as to not worry her more. They can run all sorts of tests to make sure she's okay. And she can look up self-breast exams online, they're very simple and take barely any time at all. Young women need to take care of themselves and to know what's going on in your body is one way to make sure you stay healthy for a long time. As her best friend, I'd suggest you be sure to support her in her going to the doctor, it can be a bit frightening, considering how little they teach people today about their bodies. Try to talk to her about it, and be as encouraging as you can. She's not going to die, she's most likely going to be fine. It'll be alright, dear. Take care!

Gina's father has diabetes and takes insulin. He recently had a liver transplant, after which he was put on anti-rejection medicines. This has made his insulin less effective.Which term best characterizes Gina's father's situation? options:
A. Drug antagonism
B. Drug misuse
C. Drug synergism


A. Drug antagonism
The immnosuppresants, or anti rejection medicines, have blocked the agonist effect of the insulin.
A. drug antagonism is the answer