Select the best translation for the following term or phrase: "une amie ou une adversaire." A) A friend or an ally. B) A friend or an adversary. C) A friend or a companion. D) A friend or an acquaintance.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is B) A friend or an adversary.

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Fill up the blanks :- #1. Yo no __________ en el comedor. Answer estoy/ estamos/ está/ estás. #2. Hay unos __________ en la cocina. Answer patio /gabinetes ✔/ sofá/ garaje. #3. El horno __________ en la cocina. Answer estás /está ✔ /estoy /estamos. #4. La mesa no __________ en el patio. Answer está/n estoy /está✔ estamos.#5. El patio __________ detrás de (behind) la casa. Answer estás/ estamos/ está✔/ estoy.#6. Hay una __________ en la sala familiar. Answer microondas/ lámpara ✔ /nevera/ horno. #7. Hay un lavaplatos en la __________.Answer comedor/ garaje /

#8.Usted __________ en el garaje.
estoy /está/estamos /están✔

#9.El televisor __________ en la sala.
estoy #10. El microondas __________ en la cocina.

#11. Nosotros no __________ en la casa.
estamos ✔
estoy Last one :)

Tú __________ en la sala familiar.


Hello! It will be a pleasure to help you since I am a Spanish speaker. We use the verb Estar to indicate temporary states and locations. In this way, this verb stands for position, location, action, condition, and emotion. So let's talk about them:

a) Position. Refers to the physical position or posture a person or thing is in.

b) Location. Describes where a person or thing is permanently or temporarily.

c) Actions. We use this verb to describe ongoing actions

d) Conditions. We can use this verb to express things that are likely to vary over several hours, days, or even years.

e) Emotions. We can use this verb to express what a person is feeling at a certain moment.


1. The right answer is estoy

Yo no estoy en el comedor (I am not in the dining room)

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation of the verb estar for the first-person singular (yo) is estoy.

2. The right answer is gabinetes

Hay unos gabinetes en la cocina (There are some cabinets in the kitchen)

The noun of this sentence must be in the plural form and hay unos forces the noun to be male. In this way, gabinetes is the only word that fulfills with that.

3. The right answer is está

El horno está en la cocina (The oven is in the kitchen)

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation of the verb estar that fits the third-person singular is está.

4. The right answer is está

La mesa no está en el patio (The table is not in the patio)

In this case, mesa is a female noun. Anyway this noun matches the third-person singular. So, the conjugation of the verb estar is está

5. The right answer is está

El patio está detrás de la casa (The patio is behind the house)

This sentence also stands for location. The conjugation is the same as in the exercise 3.

6. The right answer is lámpara

Hay una lámpara en la sala familiar (There is a lamp in the family room)

It is obvious that you find a lamp (lámpara) in a family room. It isn't common to find a freezer (nevera), an oven (horno) or a microwave oven (microondas) in this place.

7. The right answer is cocina

Hay un lavaplatos en la cocina (There is a dishwasher in the kitchen)

It is obvious that you find a dishwasher (lavaplatos) in a kitchen. So, it isn't common to find it in a dinning room (comedor), a garage (garaje) or a living room (sala)

8. The right answer is está

Usted está en el garaje (You are in the garage)

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation of the verb estar for the second-person singular (formal you)is está.

9. The right answer is está

El televisor está en la sala (The TV is in the living room)

This is the same case as in the exercise 3.

10. The right answer is está

El microondas está en la cocina (The microwave oven is in the kitchen)

This is the same case as in the exercise 3.

11. The right answer is estamos

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation of the verb estar for the first-person plutal (nosotros)is estamos.

12. The right answer is estás

estás en la sala familiar (You are in the family room)

This sentence stands for location. The conjugation for the verb estar for the second-person singular (tú)is estás.

1 estoy
2 gabinetes
3 esta
4 esta
5 esta
6 lampara
7 cocina
8 esta
9 esta
10 esta
11 estamos
12 estas

Mi parde ______ profesor


The answer is “es” or “es el”
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