Why do the oceans play such a large part in the water cycle


Answer 1
In The Ocean The Water Will Become Water Vapor (The First Part Of The Water Cycle) And Become A Cloud Then It Would Rain And The Water Will Get Collected In The Ocean (The Last Part)
Answer 2
Answer: Oceans are the source of water for the water cycle.

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When you add salt to water, you lower to freezing point of the substance.

So for example, normal water freezes at 0°C. But water with salt in it won't freeze at 0°C, because its freezing point is lowered. 

In answer to the question. It takes longer for water with salt in it to freeze because the substance requires a lower temperature than normal water to freeze.
The more salt in the water, the lower the freezing point will be. When freshwaterfreezeswater molecules of hydrogen and oxygen have bonded together into a crystalline structure of ice. The presence of salt makes it harder for water molecules to bond to the ice structure, because ice naturally repels salt molecules.

Under what conditions does the "NET FORCE" acting an object equal the sum of the individual forces?Net Force- Acting on an Object
Is my definition right?


Answer : When the forces are acting in the same direction of movement of the object it can be said as sum of the two individual forces will be equal to the "NET FORCE" .

Example : If two forces (2 kids pushing in the same direction to move the object big box) act on an object(big box) in the same direction, then the net force is equal to the sum of the two forces.

The net force on an object is equal to the sum of the individual forces
when the individual forces all act in the same direction.

We don't know your definition, so we can't tell whether it's right.