A _______________ is a relationship between two variables that appear to have interdependence or association with each other but actually do not.


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Prophet Muhammad's (Peace be upon him) first elevation showed people how to read. The angel, Angel Jebreel (Gabriel), came to him in the cave of Ghara Hira. The first word Angel Jebreel (Gabriel) told the Prophet Muhammad (Paece be upon him) read, in Arabic, which is written like اقرأ.

Final answer:

Muhammad's first revelation, delivered by Angel Gabriel, introduced the concept of monotheism, or belief in one God, in Islam. It did not explicitly show how to do a tangible task, but addressed a profound change in religious ideology.


The first revelation received by Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is said to have been delivered by the angel Gabriel. This revelation, recorded in the Qur'an, did not specifically show people how to perform tasks or actions, like praying. Instead, the impact of Muhammad's first revelation was more profound. It told Muhammad to read in the name of his Lord who created everything, teaching people about the existence of a single, all-knowing deity, known as Allah in Islam. This revealed the core tenet of Islam, the belief in monotheism, the idea of worshipping one God. It shook the foundations of pagan Arabian society, which was polytheistic.

Learn more about Muhammad's first revelation here:



Crime control is an approach that is consistent with the following EXCEPT:a. Criminals are the enemy
b. Police officers are soldiers in a war
c. Police officers serve all the people
d. Efficiency is a top priority


Crime control is an approach that is consistent with the following EXCEPT Efficiency is a top priority. The answer is letter D. This statement does not correlate with the above choices about crime control. Efficiency being the top priority has nothing to do with it.

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The conflict resolution is when all conflict in the story or novel is resolved. Usually right at the end. 

What does the Supreme Court use to decide whether a State law amounts to an “establishment” of religion?A. the 1st Amendment

B. the Establishment Clause

C. the Lemon test

D. the Bill of Rights


The correct answer is C. The Lemon test


The First Amendment adopted in 1791 establishes the neither the Federal or State government should support the right of freedom of religion, this means the government cannot create laws that supports or inhibits one religion or have any other type of influence in the religious domain, In the case of laws to determine whether a State law amount to an "establishment" of religion or is promoting one religion over the others which means a violation of the Frist Amendment the "lemon test" is commonly used. This test emerged from a court case called "Lemon v. Kurtzman" and establishes three main principles, the first one is that the law should have a secular purpose, the second one is that the law or statute should not inhibit religion and the third one is that the statute should not involve the law and government excessively into religion. In this way, if any of the principles is violated then the State law is considered unconstitutional.Thus, the tool the Supreme Court uses to decide if a State law amount to a religion is the Lemon Test.

C. the Lemon test is decide that. 

Which of the following is true of knowledge based on tradition and authority? a. It influences social policies. b. It exposes myths. c. It challenges overgeneralizations. d. It is the same as knowledge gained by sociological research. e. It can be misleading or wrong.


The correct answer is letter C

Tradition is everything that, over time, was considered important and became common sense that it was the right thing to do or follow. It is a “social heritage” that had its validity and that, despite being passed on, remains alive in memory and in respect. It is almost sacred and must be respected for the simple fact of being.

In Emile Durkheim's view, which is generally common sense, is that tradition is linked to the past, “it is almost all a product of the past”. The very vision of tradition, the first thought that comes to mind, is that of old things that are followed without question, but that are simply passed on by the oldest to the youngest, even as a way of maintaining a certain unity. of thought and culture. This perpetuation by direct contact is perhaps the main characteristic of the tradition. It is precisely because of this character that tradition is so strong. Generally, the person who passes on an empirical knowledge of his, already exercises a certain authority, has a certain credit through his interlocutors. It is the authority of the age that basically makes the tradition.

In tradition, gestures, attitudes, labels, techniques, sayings, folklore, law, morals and religion are found. In that sense, tradition is seen as a form of social control.

For Mauss, there are three types of tradition: oral, imitation and conscious. Oral tradition is one made by spoken language, one in which even the smallest conversations are ways of perpetuating knowledge and lived experiences. In tradition by imitation, gestures, manual acts and the very form of moral life are learned by “osmosis”, that is, it is not necessary to make a great effort to assimilate that type of knowledge, repetition and conviviality deal with to make the gestures of one of his “transmitter of tradition” imperceptibly. The third type would be the conscious tradition, here there is already the certainty that one has tradition, it is the one that there is no doubt about its capture and rapture by society. It is no longer in a transitory state, it is not yet to be done, nevertheless it is one in which society is aware of itself and its past.