Background causes of the great war (World War 1) (Period 6)


Answer 1

Answer: Think M.A.N.I.A.

Explanation: Many teachers will use the mnemonic MANIA to teach the underlying causes that led to World War I:

Militarism -- Countries at the time were building up their militaries.

Alliances -- Alliances divided Europe into competing "camps".

Nationalism -- People felt a stronger sense of patriotism (and by extension, a desire for warfare to prove their nation's superiority).

Imperialism -- Wealthy European and American countries set up colonies in poorer countries to exploit their labor and natural resources.

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand -- The "powder keg" that led to fighting; it's often considered the first and most immediate cause to the war.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The background causes of World War I were rooted in nationalism, separatist movements, assassination of the Austro-Hungarian archduke, competitive colonial ambitions, and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire; these factors were further intensified by rapid advances in military technology and the rise in socialist ideologies.


The background causes of the Great War, or World War I, were multifaceted. Predominantly, the era of nationalism, particularly in Germany and Italy, and separatist movements among Europeans such as the Irish rebellion against British rule, significantly contributed to the tensions leading up to the war.

The assassination of the Austro-Hungarian archduke in Sarajevo by a group fighting for a pan-Slavic nation provoked Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia. The preset treaties and alliances brought the major European powers into the conflict, eventually drawing in countries globally.

Another contributing factor was the competitive colonial ambitions, especially Germany's desire for a more substantial naval presence and more colonies put it in direct competition with the British Empire. These factors, combined with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, rapid advancements in military technology, and the surge in socialist ideologies, led to the outbreak of what was then known as the 'Great War.'

Learn more about Causes of World War I here:


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Answer: The answer is C

The Aryans were stronger fighters because they had access to horses.


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Your answer would be False. Hope that helps.

the answer is false  

Which is a constitution



A plan for government

Help me with a life if I helped you ;)

A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed. 

Federalism is best defined as a principle ofgovernment that
(1) divides power between the central government
and state governments
(2) includes a system of checks and balances
(3) allows the states to nullify national laws
(4) places the most power in the hands of the
legislative branch



(1) divides power between the central government

and state governments


Federalism draws upon the principle of sovereignity , where each regional goverment has a degree of self governance towars the broader central goverment.

Each of the states in the Union posses a Consitution that accounts for some local matters while they remain subject to the National Constitution.

Some issues will be shared by both national and regional and local govermenmts:

For example issues shared by states: (Concurrent with the nation)

Taxes, The Making of Laws, Law enforcement, these are activities that are carried in cooperation with the federal goverment.

Examples of issues reserved to the exclusivity of federal branch:

The coining of money, War  and peace declarations, Building up and Raising an army, Foreign Affairs and foreign policy.  

Final answer:

Federalism is a principle of government that divides power between the central and state governments, with each having separate responsibilities. It does not directly include a system of checks and balances, nor does it give power to states to nullify national laws, neither does it place the most power in the hands of the legislative branch.


Federalism is a principle of government that is best defined as a system that divides power between the central government and state governments. This means that both the national government and the state governments have separate powers and responsibilities that they are required to carry out.

The central government typically handles affairs that affect the nation as a whole, such as foreign policy and national defense, while the state governments handle local affairs, such as education and local law enforcement.

Option (1) is correct. Federalism does not specifically include a system of checks and balances (option 2), allow states to nullify national laws (option 3) nor does it place the most power in the hands of the legislative branch (option 4). These are all aspects of the U.S Constitution and political practice, but they are not the defining characteristics of federalism.

Learn more about Federalism here:


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