By what rate do the spanish monarchs claim the americas as their own territory


Answer 1
Answer: The Spanish monarchy claimed the Americas as their own through the doctrine of "terra nullius," which means "land belonging to no one." They believed that they had the right to claim the land based on their discovery and exploration. This claim was supported by the Pope through the issuance of papal bulls, such as the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, which divided the newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal. The Spanish monarchy asserted their control over the Americas through colonization, establishing settlements, and exploiting the resources of the region.

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Explanation: it on the test

1.)what did President Wilson mean by the phrase "peace without victory"? a.) that the united states should withdraw its troops before the war ended.
b.) that the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.
c.) that fighting should end with neither side claiming victory.
d.)that Germany should be required to rebuild france.


Answer: b. That the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.

President Wilson meant that the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations by the phrase, "peace without victory". This was used by Wilson during World War I in a speech addressed to the Senate of USA  on January 12,1919. He was actually appealing for settlement of the conflicts that were raging between the countries in Europe.

The correct answer is B. Peace without victort meant that the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.

In World War I, Wilson's position was eminently peaceful. But he believed that the best way to ensure the non-participation of the United States in the Great War was for it to end as soon as possible. He sent diplomats to Europe repeatedly, in order to achieve rapprochement between the contenders. He never achieved anything, given the absolute conviction of both sides that they would eventually win.

As the war progressed, Wilson's efforts became more evident, and he managed to get closer to his goals, although the definitive step that would have been the convocation of a peace conference was never taken. In his last attempts, the ideas that would mark Wilson's policy at the end of the war were already perceived: a peace without victory, a lasting peace based on the principles of equality among nations. The United States would support, according to Wilson, a peace of this kind, and would collaborate with the rest of the nations in the maintenance of a permanent international organization that would target it.

The German defeat and, above all, the way in which the French and British managed the victory would demonstrate, years later, to what extent Wilson's insistence on avoiding a humiliating peace agreement for the loser was correct.

A company with a low level of productivity has a problem with:A. efficiently making the goods it sells.
B. designing its production possibilities curve.
C. selecting which economic trade-offs to make.
D. paying too much to secure investments.


Answer: efficiently making the goods it sells


Population growth and the domestication of plants and animals brought on new cultural changes, such as _____.* gender inequality
* greater need for protection
* emergence of new social classes
* less complex religious beliefs
* less wealth overall


The correct answers are the following:

  • gender inequality
  • greater need for protection
  • emergence of new social classes

The emergence of agriculture and animal domestication, enabled the accumulation of production surplus and gave rise to the first trade activities among human communities during the Neolithic era. Trade, in turn, fostered job division and specialization. Different people were in charge of the different economic activities: hunting, gathering, animal domestication, agriculture, fabrication of tools, etc.

Some economic activities started to be more highly valued. People were willing to give up a larger quantity of their posessions for obtaining, through a barter agreement, a craft knife than for example to obtain recolected fruits. Differently rewarded activities gave rise to the existence of income inequalities within the members of the neolithic socities.

Therefore, social classes started to appear. Protection was desirable as some people started to become richer than others and needed to protect their properties.

Typically, women started to specialize in lowerly-rewarded activities, because they were the ones that required less physical strength. Gender inequalities emerged too.

The correct answers are A) gender inequality. B) greater need for protection. C) emergence of new social classes.

Population growth and the domestication of plants and animals brought on new cultural changes, such as gender inequality, greater need for protection, and the emergence of new social classes.

Since ancient civilization times, humans started to evolve once they stopped being nomads and settled in lands close to Rivers to practice agriculture. Civilizations such as Sumeria established in between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in the Middle East learned agriculture techniques and started to prosper. As society was formed hierarchies developed, they founded important city-states such as Ur, Uruk, Lagash, and Kish. That is when population growth and the domestication of plants and animals brought on new cultural changes, such as gender inequality, greater need for protection, and the emergence of new social classes.

The Constitution made no mention of how many justices should sit on the Supreme Court. Which statement regarding how the number of justices is set is true?a)The first Congress set the number of justices as a part of the Judiciary Act of 1789.
b)The Constitution gives the executive branch the authority to set the number of justices.
c)The country votes every six years on the number of justices that will make up the Court.
d)The number of justices is set by a vote from influential judges in the different constitutional courts.


I believe it's ... A

The first Congress set the number of justices as a part of the Judiciary Act of 1789.

The first Congress set the number of justices as a part of the Judiciary Act of 1789.

How many McDonald's are there in the whole world?


According to the McDonald's Corporation website (as of January 2015), McDonald's has, "retailers in more than 100 countries, with more than 36,000 restaurants serving approximately 69 million people every day." In 2007 there were 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries, so in the intervening years, 19 McDonald's countries have been lost.

Answer: According to the McDonald's Corporation website (as of January 2015), McDonald's has, "retailers in more than 100 countries, with more than 36,000 restaurants serving approximately 69 million people every day." In 2007 there were 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries, so in the intervening years, 19 McDonald's countries have been lost.