A limitation of the theory is that it does not account for age. Please provide the Example, Explain and Link (AO3)


Answer 1

It seems like you're referring to a statement about a theory that lacks consideration for age as a factor. Let's break this down with an example, an explanation, and an application (AO3) for better understanding:


Consider a psychological theory that attempts to explain memory formation and recall in adults. This theory focuses solely on adult participants in its research and does not take into account the influence of age on memory processes.


In this example, the limitation is that the theory does not account for age as a crucial variable. Memory abilities, processes, and mechanisms can significantly vary across the lifespan. For instance:

Childhood: Children may have developing memory capacities, with certain memory functions not fully developed until later stages of childhood.

  • Adolescence: Adolescents might experience changes in memory related to cognitive development, education, and hormonal fluctuations.
  • Adulthood: Memory abilities in adults may differ based on factors such as life experiences, education, and cognitive decline associated with aging.
  • Older Adulthood: Older adults may face age-related memory decline, which can impact various memory processes.

Link (AO3 - Application):

This limitation has several implications:

  • When conducting research or applying this theory, it may not accurately predict or explain memory-related phenomena in individuals across different age groups.
  • Researchers need to consider age as a critical variable and conduct studies with a diverse age range to capture the full spectrum of memory abilities and changes.
  • Practical applications of the theory, such as memory enhancement techniques or interventions, may need to be adjusted to account for age-related differences in memory processes.

In summary, the limitation of not accounting for age in a theory is significant because it can hinder the theory's generalizability and practical utility across diverse populations. Researchers and practitioners should be aware of this limitation and consider age as a crucial factor in their work related to the theory

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Option A


The flower cells are hypertonic to fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution.

Flower cell is hypertonic to fresh water, this means that the amount of solute in the solution outside the flower cell is higher than the solute content inside the flower cell.

While when a flower cell is hypotonic, it means that the amount of solute in the solution outside the flower cell is lower than the solute content inside the flower cell.

This is the reason why a flower plant placed in vase of water stood and become erect, while the same flower placed in a salt solution wilted.

Hence, option A is correct

Final answer:

The flower cells behave as hypertonic in fresh water, causing them to absorb water and stand erect, while they act as hypotonic in a salt solution, leading to water leaving the cells and wilting the flower.


From the information given about the flower's cells, the correct answer is A) the flower cells are hypertonic to fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution. This is due to the process of osmosis, which is the movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane, like a cell wall, from areas of low solute concentration (hypotonic) to areas of high solute concentration (hypertonic).

When the wilted flower was placed in the fresh water, the cells were hypertonic causing water to enter the cells and making the flower stand erect. This is because there were more solutes inside the cells than the fresh water solution surrounding them.

On the other hand, when the flower was placed in the salt solution, it wilted because the cells were hypotonic compared to the hypertonic salt solution. There were fewer solutes in the flower cells than the salt solution outside, so water left the cells, which made the flower wilt.

Learn more about Osmosis here:



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Well, it could possibly be, "She was maiting and laying eggs" Because,
If it was maiting, it will stay in the same place... And especially if it layed eggs, the mother will stay with her eggs, until they hatch... 
So, thats the only logical explanation... :)
Hope this helped! :)
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b. False


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b. how many species are eaten.
c. how many species are protected.
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I'm pretty sure the answer is a. but anybody feel free to correct me :)
a. how many species either benefit or  are harmed...