Which enzyme is responsible for the degradation of TAGs in adipose tissue?


Answer 1


The enzyme responsible for the degradation of triglycerides (TAGs) in adipose tissue is called "lipase." Lipases are a group of enzymes that specifically break down lipids, including triglycerides, into their constituent fatty acids and glycerol molecules. This process, known as lipolysis, is essential for the release of stored energy from adipose tissue, which can be utilized by the body when needed, such as during periods of fasting or energy expenditure.

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Vitamins work with to initiate chemical reactions within cells.


Vitamins work with enzymes to initiate chemical reactions within cells. Vitamins plays an indirect role in catalysis, where in the beginning of the chemical reaction speeds up with the help of enzymes, in order to participate in catalytic reactions.


Vitamins work with enzymes to initiate chemical reaction within cells


Sometimes, an enzyme requires for its function the presence of non-protein substances that collaborate in catalysis: cofactors. The cofactors can be inorganic ions such as Fe ++, Mg ++, Mn ++, Zn ++. Almost a third of known enzymes require cofactors. When the cofactor is an organic molecule it is called coenzyme. Many of these coenzymes are synthesized from vitamins. In the lower figure we can see a hemoglobin molecule (protein that carries oxygen) and its coenzyme (the heme group). When cofactors and coenzymes are covalently bound to the enzyme they are called prosthetic groups. The catalytically active form of the enzyme, that is, the enzyme linked to its prosthetic group, is called holoenzyme. The protein part of a holoenzyme (inactive) is called apoenzyme .

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The Pl tool that is being used here in this example is the "structured brainstorming"


structured brainstorming: this refers to collecting a large number of ideas from other people or participants by encouraging them to participate.

Regularly scheduled activity does what


Regularly scheduled exercise helps people build a healthy life. By making active activities a regular part of your schedule, you are setting up a healthy mindset for the rest of your life, as well as improving your fitness overall. 
helps you get reaf=dy and prepared,you save time and your sanity remains intact,if everyday you r doing a different schedulle,its bad for your sleep cycle,and health,it gets really hard to manage things

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spending time with friends or family

hope this helps


the ANSWER is A :)


Female athletes who previously had regular menstrual periods but have stopped menstruating are experiencinga. amenorrhea.
b. anorexia athletica.
c. anorexia nervosa.
d. bulimia.


The answer is letter A. 

Amenorrhea is a condition in which menstruationperiods become irregular. It is a result of over training and lack of restcommon in many athletes. This is caused by excessive or lack of hormones thatare also depleted during strenuous activities. Women are encouraged to take arest once the onset of amenorrhea occurs as this may lead to complications inconceiving and pregnancy. Amenorrhea is also caused by the lack of necessarynutrients in the body due to poor nutrition.

The answer is A. amenorrhea

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