Cow is to milk as orange is to: a. coffee b. apple c. juice d. soda


Answer 1

Answer: c juice


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Answer: it's B



B)That hatred is as dangerous to the hater as it is to the hated.


Which sentence does not contain any errors in comma usage?A.Look at all those tiny gray, kittens!
B.I learned about ancient cave art in the history lesson.
C.Here is a mug of hot, and creamy cocoa.
D.My sore tired achy muscles need a rest.


The correct answer among the choices provided is:

C. Here is a mug of hot, and creamy cocoa.

A comma must be placed after the word "hot" because there are more than one adjectives used to describe "cocoa" which the adjectives modified.

Show the link between intrapersonal conflict and initiating relationship


Someone subject to intrapersonal conflict is someone experiencing conflict within themselves.Thus, a person experiencing intrapersonal conflict  might have trouble establishing healthy and functional relationships due to lack of peace with themselves.

Which sentence does not contain any errors in the use of italics or quotation marks?A.

Let's watch the movie "Odyssey: 2010."


The Boston Pops played Ludwig van Beethoven's Eroica symphony.


A famous painting by Claude Monet is "Water Lilies."

Robert Fulton called his steamboat the Clermont.


Which sentence does not contain any errors in the use of italics or quotation marks?

A. Let's watch the movie "Odyssey: 2010."

Which sentence contains both an adverb and a conjunction?a. Lawson crept silently up the stairs, but couldn't still his heartbeat.
b. Don't imagine you can't do as you wish.
c. Do you want the shrimp or the crab?
d. Lucille was a kind person, but she hated people who spread rumors.


Lawson crept silently up the stairs, but couldn't still his heartbeat

The answer is d. Sergio thinks that we should hike in the rain.

What is the role of tone in poetry?a. to provide rhythm.
b. to create images.
c. to enhance a style.
d. to express an attitude.


A poem's tone is the attitude that it's style implies.
i think it is D express an attitude because u need attitude in a role