Who was the author of 'When We Two Parted'?


Answer 1


lord byron


explanation not needed

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In The Odyssey - Teiresias, when Teiresias describes the conflicts that Odysseus will face, how do these conflicts relate to the story’s theme?


"The Odyssey" is Homer's epic poem about the struggle that the Greek hero Odysseus suffered to return home after the Trojan War. Odysseus is the hero of the Odyssey and the king of Ithaca. He is strong, courageous and incredibly intelligent.

The conflicts described by Teiresias relate to the story's theme because they reveal the theme. Teiresias tells Odysseys how arduous the journey will be and the adversities that they will have to face; he also mentions that the men that travel with him will to get home.


C on Edge 2020


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Which item is considered an example of medium.A. The concert of a popular rock star

B. The sound of music television program

C. A stage play

D. The Sims the video game


I think the best answer is B. The sound of music television program can be considered as an example of medium. A medium can defined as a substance that is used as a means of transmission. For this case, we can consider the sound as the medium here.
its actually C: A stage play 

Which statement is true?A.
Epic heroes typically have flawed characters and questionable ethics.

Epics, but not myths, reflect the culture in which they are written.

Myths have heroes, but epics do not.

The cultural context of a myth concerns the customs and concerns of the culture that produced it.


The correct answer is "D".

A myth is considered as a traditional story within a group of people that represent a certain society. This tale narrates stories about individuals who belonged to the first groups of this society and often includes supernatural elements to the events that occur.

Myths are seen as a cultural landmark in societies. Many cultural practices that are practiced until nowadays derive from these stories.

The cultural context of a myth concerns the customs and concerns of the culture that produced it.

Which type of protagonist is common to psychological suspense?


I believe the type of protagonist which is common to psychological suspense is a highly intelligent protagonist. 

The answer is B , highly intelligent .

Show some pictographic sentencs that decribes phrase often associated with Hammurabi


A pictographic sentence is a sentence which describes and action with its result. For example: "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" This phrase clearly states that if a person hurts another person, then that person has the right to hurt the person who hurt him back.
Some pictographic phrases that are associated with the Hammurabi code are:"If anyone is caught committing a robbery, he shall be put to death"."If a son strikes his father, his hands shall be cut off."

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