In Cassandra, the ___________ determines how many copies of the data will be maintained across multiple nodes. 1) Replication Factor 2)None of the above 3)Read Consistency 4)Write Consistency


Answer 1
Answer: Padding because of the requirement but the answer is replication factor

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- to ensure that privacy will not be lost.
-ensuring personal information is not lost
-information in the accountings will not be submitted or shared with anyone
-information will be saved and viewed by the business.
- The business will not falsely make the accountings.

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Organization, or if you are reversing the sequence, you would break into what are called trees they look like this

/ \
Videos Pictures

so trees, tree groups. Or if you are looking for a pattern: Size, Alphabatized, Date last accessed Etc.

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The correct answer is letter A. Spreedsheet programs are designed to perform complicated calculations automatically by just inputting the numbers and setting formulas. Hope this answer helps. Good luck!
the answer is A, for programs like Microsoft Excel.

Why would an administrator lower an RF signal on a wireless access point?Increase QoS
Lower interference
Lower the signal to keep it in the building
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1. Increase QoS


The radio bands with lower frequency have relatively large wavelengths that are not as affected by objects such as building, trees, weather events or other features in the troposphere as the higher frequency radiation. General rule for radiation is that the lower the frequency, i.e. the longer the wavelength, the further a signal can penetrate through solid objects or liquids. Hence, when the frequency is lowered on a wireless access point, the signals can travel farther and smoother. Thus, increasing the quality of service.