Ethos uses responsible research practices and fair use of appeals to establish _________________. (2 points) reality credibility stability qualit


Answer 1

Ethos uses responsible research practices and fair use of appeals to establish credibilty.

Ethos is sometimes called an appeal to ethics. It can be used as a means of convincing an audience via the authority or credibility of the persuader. It can be a notable figure or even a famous celebrity. Essentially, it uses expertise as a persuasive technique.

Answer 2
Answer: Ethos uses responsible research practices and fair use of appeals to establish _________________. your answer is b credibility because  ethos does use responsible research  

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Final answer:

When diving or jumping into water, factors such as buoyancy, drag, and the force of impact come into play.


When diving or jumping into water, several factors come into play. The most relevant ones are buoyancy, drag, and the force of impact. Buoyancy determines whether an object will float or sink in water, while drag creates resistance against the object's motion through the water. The force of impact depends on the height from which you dive and your body position.

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A. the omission of the author’s point of view
B. the addition of more general statements and ideas
C. the correction of spelling and punctuation errors
D. the inclusion of reputable sources and specific facts





they arent putting enough evidence


D. The inclusion of reputable sources and specific facts


Before reading the passage, read all the available answers.  As you read, look for evidence that would support each of these answers.  Clearly this paragraph is giving the best reasons to go to a school uniform policy rather than to not have one at all.  So, list all of the reason why the policy would be better since this is the author's perspective.  Then read through the answers again, eliminating the ones that could not possibly be the answer.  There is nothing mentioned in the paragraph that would support A.  The same can be said for B.  Since there is little evidence to support C, D would be the best answer.

Locate the complete adjective phrase and the noun modified. He found one pearl of great price.


The complete adjective phrase and the noun modified are as follow adjective phrase=of great price noun modified=pearl.

What do you mean by adjective?

A noun or noun phrase is described with an adjective. Its semantic function is to modify the information the noun provides.

Although traditionally they were grouped alongside nouns, adjectives were once regarded as one of the main components of speech in the English language.

Today, several words that were previously classified as adjectives, including as the, this, my, and others, are typically categorized independently, as determiners.

An adjective may follow a comparable noun on a postpositive basis or precede it on a prepositive basis, depending on the language. An adjective's pre- or post-position can be affected by structural, contextual, and stylistic factors in a particular instance of its occurrence.

Most languages use adjectives as part of speech. The words that perform the semantic role of adjectives are sometimes grouped with other classes, like nouns or verbs.

Learn more about adjective, here


I believe it is: adjective phrase=of great price noun modified=pearl.

Can some organisms survive without energy from the sun. Explain your answer


yes they get energy from an other source like other animals, minerals, energy from the centre of the earth through volcanic vents

Final answer:

Some organisms can survive without solar energy by obtaining energy from alternate sources. Chemoautotrophs, for instance, derive energy from inorganic substances through chemosynthesis, a process which doesn't require sunlight.


Yes, some organisms can indeed survive without energy from the sun. These organisms, often found in deep sea or other extreme environments, obtain their energy from different sources. For example, chemoautotrophs are a group of organisms which acquire energy by oxidizing inorganic substances such as hydrogen sulfide, elemental sulfur, ferrous iron, and ammonia. This process which does not require sunlight is known as chemosynthesis. Furthermore, certain species of bacteria and archaea, lack chlorophyll and are thus unable to conduct photosynthesis. Instead, they derive their energy from a variety of unusual reactions involving substances like hydrogen gas or metals.

Learn more about Survival without sunlight here:


When you _____, you try to determine the meaning behind events and the characters’ actions.A. analyze

B. gather details

C. prewrite

D. revise


When you analyze, you try to determine the meaning behind events and the characters’ actions.

What is analyze?

Analyze is defined as to examine something.

Because analyzing implies that you are considering the circumstances and the characters while attempting to comprehend the narrative. Thus when you analyze, you try to determine the meaning behind events and the characters’ actions.

Hence the correct option is, A. analyze

To knw more about analyze:


A, analyze because you are thinking about the events and the character trying to understand the story.