Using at least three (3) specific textual references, compare classical Greek culture with Norse culture and with our modern American culture. What similarities may there be? What are the key differences as you understand?


Answer 1

Answer: The cultures of ancient Greece, Norse culture, and modern American culture have both similarities and differences. Here are some comparisons based on three specific textual references:

1. Religion and Mythology:

- Classical Greek Culture: Greek mythology played a significant role in ancient Greek culture. The Greeks believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses, such as Zeus, Athena, and Apollo. They conducted elaborate religious rituals and believed that their gods influenced various aspects of their lives.

- Norse Culture: Similarly, Norse culture had its own mythology and pantheon of gods, including Odin, Thor, and Loki. Norse mythology emphasized the concept of destiny and a cyclical view of life.

- Modern American Culture: In modern American culture, religion is diverse, with Christianity being the most widely practiced. While some individuals may still hold personal beliefs in mythological entities, mythology does not play as significant a role in modern American culture as it did in ancient Greece and Norse cultures.

2. Social Structure:

- Classical Greek Culture: Ancient Greek society had a hierarchical structure. At the top were the wealthy land-owning citizens, followed by free non-citizens, and finally slaves. Citizenship was limited to men, and women had limited rights and were primarily confined to domestic roles.

- Norse Culture: Norse society was also hierarchical, but less rigid compared to ancient Greece. It consisted of kings, jarls (nobles), freemen, and thralls (slaves). Norse women had more freedom and could own property.

- Modern American Culture: American society is based on democratic principles, valuing individual rights and equality. Gender equality has improved significantly, with women having equal opportunities in various aspects of society.

3. Art and Literature:

- Classical Greek Culture: Ancient Greece was renowned for its art and literature. The Greeks produced masterpieces in architecture, sculpture, and drama. They had renowned playwrights like Sophocles and Euripides, and their epic poems, such as Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey," are considered classics.

- Norse Culture: Norse culture emphasized oral tradition and storytelling. Their mythology and sagas were passed down through generations orally before being written down. Notable Norse works include the "Prose Edda" and the "Poetic Edda."

- Modern American Culture: American culture values artistic expression in various forms, including literature, visual arts, music, and film. American authors like Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Maya Angelou have made significant contributions to literature.

In summary, while ancient Greek and Norse cultures share some similarities in their mythology and hierarchical social structures, modern American culture has evolved to prioritize democracy, religious diversity, and individual rights. Additionally, ancient Greek culture is known for its art and literature, Norse culture for its oral tradition and sagas, and modern American culture for its wide range of artistic expressions.


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The  information source that political campaigns have complete control over is: D.  paid media.

What is paid media?

Paid media is entirely under the control of political campaigns. Any sort of advertising or promotional content that a campaign purchases in order to reach and sway voters is referred to as paid media. This includes print ads, internet banner ads, sponsored postings on social media, television and radio commercials, and other types of advertising.

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Therefore the correct option is d.

Learn more about paid media



Paid media


correct on edmentum

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The correct answer is B.

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Hey there! 

Answer: High pay and Pension plans

Sailors were offered a high and steady amount of pay. Pension plans were also offered for sailors who worked in the Navy for a long time. 

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