Read these lines from the end of Act II. I'll have grounds More relative than this.--the play's the thing Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king. Identify the speaker, the context, and the significance of these lines.


Answer 1
Answer: the speaker is Wherein. The context is to catch the king. The significance is to get ride of the king in the land.
Answer 2
Answer: the speaker is Wherein hpe i helped

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c i looked irt on gogol

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What Douglass hopes to accomplish with his accusations in this speech is to persuade white Americans to throw off their hypocrisy and really do something to help the slaves.  In this speech, he is trying to get them to see that their own actions and those of their fellow Northerners really are part of the problem.  He is trying to get them to see that the country that they feel so proud of is really not based on freedom and liberty but on slavery and tyranny.  He is trying to get them to see that so that they will be shocked and be motivated to do something about slavery.
Because He is forced to work in every weather condition, no matter how hot or cold. The constant toil  Douglass’s hope and destroys his interest in intellectual pursuits. He is unable to think clearly but he cannot follow through out of a combination of hope and fear.

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Fail doesn't end in e so just add the suffix -ure.


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fact or opinion


opinion because it is not supported by statistics and "people" is and indicator of generalising the population. Therefore, it is an opinion rather than a fact.

It depends on what kind of meat. If it's red me then it's TRUE but if they are eating organic meats then FALSE.

I hope I helped please leave thanks

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Answer: Had


Dear Editor,Fascinating grammar/spelling the other night on the second evening of the NBC movie 10.5. The movie was bad enough ... 30 minutes of action crammed into four hours of viewing.
What really caught my attention was the writing. Yes, the plot was wretched, the emoting was pathetic. Yet there was something even more glaring in this age of butchering the English language.
I pine for the days of correct English when "you know" and "like" didn't crop up as every other word!
Stinson Mix, Farmersville, TX

What should Mr. Mix add to his letter to make it more convincing?
A. Include the editor’s name.
B. Include an example of how the movie didn’t use correct English.
C. Include comments on the acting.
D. Include a review of the direction.



A include the editor's name