How did women gaining the right to vote change the portrayal of male and female dynamics in literature? It allowed women to enter into politics, which was often reflected in literary plots. It gave women more power in society and politics, but in literature men remained more powerful. It gave women more power than they previously had, which was portrayed in literary characterizations of women. It allowed women to hold important offices at the state and national level, which they were barred from before gaining the right to vote.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is C - "It gave women more power than they previously had, which was portrayed in literary characterizations of women."

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Match the bolded phrases to their meanings in the context of this excerpt from William Shakespeare's Sonnet 2.


So i'm guessing this is from Plato, basically the excerpt is:

"When forty winters shall besiege thy brow,
And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field,
Thy youth's proud livery, so gazed on now,
Will be a tatter'd weed, of small worth held:"

Your options for the title are most likely: Charms, deep pits, wrinkles, surround, overwhelm, and destroyed and wasted

Then the pairs are: Besiege which would go with Overwhelm, Deep Trenches would go with Deep Pits, Proud Livery would go with Charms, and Tatter'd Weed would go with Destroyed & Wasted.

Hope that helps!

Answer: besiege - surround

deep trenches - deep pits

proud livery - charms

tatter’d weed - destroyed and wasted


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sentence fragment
sentence in inverted order
none of the above

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settled, into
act, began
seats and,
seats, and

Question 14.14. Choose the answer that best corrects the sentence.

Nancy is very lucky at horseshoes she always wins. (Points : 5)
horseshoes; she
horseshoes, she
horseshoes and
horseshoes; and

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clocks, nevertheless,
clocks, and nevertheless
clocks; nevertheless
clocks; nevertheless

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yet we
blankets, and
no error

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can we apply
no error

Question 18.18. The following sentence may have an error in punctuation. Parts of the sentence are underlined. Choose the underlined part of the sentence that contains an error. If there is no error, choose no error.

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play and
planned, in fact,
no error

Question 19.19. The following sentence may have an error in effective writing. The sentence or part of the sentence is underlined. Choose the best revision for the underlined part. If no revision is necessary, choose the first answer.

The builders noted a flaw in the house's foundation, however they thought it could be fixed. (Points : 5)
foundation, however,
foundation; however
foundation, however
foundation; however,

Question 20.20. The following sentence may have an error in effective writing. The sentence or part of the sentence is underlined. Choose the best revision for the underlined part. If no revision is necessary, choose the first answer.

Joseph woke up late again and missed the bus; he will need; therefore a ride to school. (Points : 5)
bus; he will need; therefore,
bus; he will need, therefore,
us; he will need, therefore
bus, he will need; therefore,


Question 13.13. seats, and
Question 14.14. horseshoes; she
Question 15.15. clocks; nevertheless
Question 16.16. no error
Question 17.17. data,
Question 18.18. no error
Question 19.19. foundation; however, 
Question 20.20. bus; he will need, therefore, 

What would you do to create a fast pace


You can create a fast pace by walking very fast.
is there more information

Which personal pronoun correctly completes the sentence? The competitors in the egg-tossing contest will be Maria, Candida, and __________. A. I B. my C. me


A. I 

The choice B dosent make any sense what so ever. The choice C makes it a sentence fragment.

To make sure your reader remembers the point of your essay, which of the following is most important?A. The order in which you present your ideas
B. Choosing an interesting subject
C. The introduction
D. The ending


Well, to be honest, I don't think there is an absolute answer - but i'd go for A. Let's see them one by one:

A. The order in which you present your ideas
-IF your idea is an argument, then it's very important that one thing follows from another- and for this the order is important. If the reader understands your point, then they will remember it well: this is well known: we remember the things we've "understood" better. ,. If they don't- they won't.

B. Choosing an interesting subject - no, i think this is in any case not a good option

C. The introduction - if your reader can choose whether or not to read your work, then this might very well be the decisive point, (they simply won't read it if this part is bad!) but let's assume that they have to read it. then it's not as important as the order.

D. The ending- well, there is also the recency effect: we remember best what came at the end. So if you don't have an argument, but let's say, the claim - this might be more relevant.

In general, I would go for A, but I think it depends on the text

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