In what ways did the childhood games of Native Americans prepare them for adulthood? A. Developing survival skills B. Enhancing physical fitness C. Encouraging teamwork D. Teaching social customs


Answer 1

Answer: A


Honestly, all of these could be a correct answer. However, the most correct answer would be: A

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Baron provided suggestions to parents to facilitate language development in toddlers. Which of the following is NOT one of her suggestions?A. Ask questions that encourage answers other than "Yes" and "No."
B. Be an active conversational partner.
C. Look at the child, and do not look or point at the object you are referring to.
D. Remember to listen.



C. Look at the child, and do not look or point at the object you are referring to.


The development of language skills in early childhood is fundamental for the cognitive development and social insertion of the child. Thus, parents should use incentive approaches that lead the child to communicate. Successful approaches include encouraging the child to speak different phrases to increase their vocabulary, actively talking to the child, and showing objects to begin identifying and making associations.

What is the source of the national government’s delegated powers?the Constitution
the Congress
state governments
international treaties



The Constitution


The delegated powers are those powers specifically granted to the U.S. federal government in Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. Therefore, the source of these powers is the Constitution.

In this section, the Constitution grants Congress the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the nation, to borrow money, to regulate international and interstate commerce, to coin money, to establish post offices and post roads, to provide and to maintain a navy, among others.

The constitution is the source used

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In a psychological context, suppression refers to the act of restricting oneself from feeling or doing something. Motivation suppression led an individual to abstain from engaging in an activity. However, it has negative effects too because when an individual holds his feelings, they return with vengeance. As per the question, Russell suppresses the memories of his marriage to eliminate the feeling of pain because of his marriage breakdown.

The term free trade can be best described asa. the government promotion of private 4es.
b. full government control of imports and exports that. contribute to the nation’s GDP.
c. trade without tariffs, quotas or other restrictions.
d. trade that occurs between imperial colonies.


Free trade means a trade that is not restricted in any way - so the correct answer is c. trade without tariffs, quotas or other restrictions.

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Which factor contributed to the Red Scare in the United States during the 1920s?a. Germany's attacks on United States cargo ships
b. the radical nature of the national administration in power
c. widespread hostility toward big business
d. success of the Communist Revolution in Russia


The success of the Communist Revolution in Russia contributed to the Red Scare in the United States during the 1920s. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "d". The Communists were able to overthrow the Royal family in Russia with their revolution and this created fear in the minds of the Americans. The Americans were totally against communism.

If a normal, right-handed individual sustained severe damage to the right cerebral hemisphere, this would most likely reduce a number of abilities. However, damage to the right hemisphere is NOT likely to affect his or her ability to:__________



A. produce and understand written and spoken language


The ability to speak and write languages is usually tied mostly to the left hemisphere of the brain, especially if the individual is right-handed.

Most of the activities take both sides of the brain - like producing and enjoying music, which is why option C is incorrect. Yet language is one of the few that is very lateralized to the left side of the brain, including all that comes with it such as writing, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, etc.

The operations connected to motorists are mostly connected to both or the right side of the brain. Ability to manipulate and understand shapes, as well as understanding design, visual representation, non-verbal language, and expressions are connected to the right side of the brain, at least partly if not completely. That is why options B and D. are incorrect.