A dialogue between two friends about winning a competition


Answer 1


Friend 1: Hey, you won the competition last weekend, right? How did it go?

Friend 2: Yeah, it was incredible! I couldn't believe it. The competition was tough, but I managed to come out on top.

Friend 1: That's amazing! What was the competition about?

Friend 2: It was a cooking competition, and the theme was to create a unique pasta dish. I had this crazy idea for a fusion recipe, and it worked!

Friend 1: Fusion pasta? That sounds intriguing. What did you come up with?

Friend 2: I made a dish that combined Italian pasta with some Thai flavors. It had this fantastic balance of sweet and spicy, and the judges loved it.

Friend 1: No wonder you won! How did you feel when they announced the winner?

Friend 2: Oh, I was nervous until the very end. But when they called my name, I was over the moon! It was such a great feeling.

Friend 1: I can only imagine! Winning a competition must be a fantastic experience.

Friend 2: It truly was. It's not just about the victory but also the journey and the thrill of competing. You should give it a try sometime.

Friend 1: I might, especially after hearing your exciting story. Congratulations again, and I'm glad you had such a great experience.

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the correct answer is: ABAB CDCD





Something that is prevalent happens


Prevalent is an adjective meaning most frequent or common; In one word you can use OFTEN.

Something that is prevalent is something that happens often...
I hope thats the answer you were looking for :)