As a good historian, how could you use the story of Gilgamesh to identify the values of ancient Mesopotamian society? Identify two Mesopotamian social values that you can find within the reading. Identify the passage or passages from the reading that are relevant and essential to understanding these values.


Answer 1



In order to maintain global equilibrium, Mesopotamians sought to appease the gods. They did this by adhering to daily rituals, praying, and making sure the deceased was properly buried.

What is the importance of the Epic of Gilgamesh to world culture?

An old epic poem from Mesopotamia, The Epic of Gilgamesh, was written around 2100 BCE. It is unquestionably the oldest surviving piece of great literature and is considered to be the world's first.

Its origins have been determined by scholars to be five Sumerian poems about the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh.

The Gilgamesh epic is significant for helping contemporary historians understand the ancient Mesopotamian culture. Many of the important deities revered by ancient Mesopotamians are mentioned in the epic and are described in detail.

The Gilgamesh Epic also demonstrates how Mesopotamian civilization dealt with authority.

Learn more about the story of Gilgamesh here:

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Answer:The correct answer is A. The event that most affected the independence movements in Africa following World War II was the formation of the United Nations.

The African independence movements began after the end of the Second World War and lasted until the mid-1970s; they were marked by bloody wars and pacifist movements, which led to the formation of new states in the former colonies.

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The formation of the United Nations MOST affected the independence movements in Africa following World War II. Agreed upon in the waning months of the second global conflict in three decades, the U.N.’s charter stated that all colonial populations- not just countries in Europe- had the right to self determination. African peoples capitalize upon this and won independence in the following decades, either through peaceful or more-confrontational means.

HELP ME PLEASE The price of one nation's currency in terms of another nation's currency is called
A) fiscal policy.
B) monetary policy.
C) the exchange rate.
D) the discount rate.


C) the exchange rate
This is when you go to another country and exchange your form of currency into that countries form of currency. 
an example is that if you have 1 U.S. dollar and you exchange it for Canadian currency you would recieve $1.28 because the american dollar is worth more.


The correct answer is c) the exchange rate
