What is one third of 1080


Answer 1
Answer: I am almost positive that it is 360
Answer 2
Answer: 1080 / 3 = 360 x 1 = 360
Happy to Help!

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Plz help, I need answers to these questions ASAP, would appreciate a short step-by-step explanation with each! WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!You’ve been given $500.00 for your fencing. So first we are going to make as big of a rectangular field as we can with the money that we have for the fencing to surround it. The cost of premium fencing (only the best for your farm, of course) is $11.41 per metre. So with that, and the following equations:A=l*wP=2l+2wWhere A is the area, P is the perimeter, l is the length, and w is the width of a rectangle, we can find the maximum area that we can have for this field.Perimeter of fence:Area of farm:Let’s say we have access to planting 2 different crops, Watermelons and Grapes. We can find the revenue of a crop by the equation:R = (p0 + px)(n0 - nx)Where R is the revenue, p0 is the starting price, n0 is the amount sold at the starting price, p is the price increase, n is the decrease in the amount sold per price increase, and x is the number of price increases.Crop A: Watermelons have a starting price of $12.00 per m2 of area sold. At this price, you can sell 45 m2 worth. For every $2.00 increase, you will sell 1 m2 less. So the first task is to figure out how to put these values into the equation above and turn it into a quadratic function. Then you will need to find the value of x to make the revenue as large as possible. Once you know x, the number of price increases, you can then find what you should price your Watermelons per m2.Equation: R =Number of price increases: x =Price of Watermelon per m^2 =Okay, now we can do the same thing with the grapes, just to give you that extra practice with quadratic functions. The starting price of grapes per m² is $8.00, at which you can sell 60 m² worth. For every $3.00 increase in price, you sell 3 m² less. So use the same method you just used to find the price of grapes per m² of area to maximize revenue.Equation: R =Number of price increases: x =Price of grape per m^2 =Okay, so now, all in all, we have built our farm and found what to price each of our crops at. Now let’s find what amount of each crop to grow and find our profits. Getting right into it, we have the following cost equations:CW = $20.00 * W + $50.00CG = $10.00 * G + $40.00Where CW is the total cost of planting and growing Watermelons, CG is the total cost of planting and growing Grapes, W is the area of Watermelons planted, and G is the area of Grapes planted. Now that we know our cost, we can finally find our profits. Profit is equal to the price per unit area, multiplied by the area sold, subtracted by the total cost planting and growing them, or, Profit = Price * Area - Cost. But at this point, we still don’t know the area of each crop in our field. But we do know a couple of things to figure it out. We know the total area of our farm, found in the first part. Which we can say is, Area = G + W And we were also only given $1590 to plant the crops. So, $1590.00= CW+CG I’ll help you simplify this a bit:$1590.00=$20.00*W+$50.00+$10.00*G+$40.00 $1590.00=$20.00*W+$10.00*G+$90.00So now we have enough information to solve for the areas of Watermelons and Grapes in your field. Here’s some room to do that. Hint: Use either substitution or graph the two equations to find an intersection.Area of watermelon to plant:Area of grapes to pant:Profit of the crops:
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a van had 26 people,5 got off,10 more got on,20 got off,he made a detour and 2 more got off,then 30 got on how many people are left on the van?


You do 26 minus 5 plus 10 minus 20 minus 2 plus 30. The answer is 39.

Find the slope of the line that passes through points (9,8) and (4,-2).


You can find the slope of the two points with the following formula:


Substitute the corresponding values into the equation.




The slope of the line is 2.

Which of the following facts would be sufficient toprove AACE - ABCD?
ABCD is a right triangle.
Hm A = MZE




Step-by-step explanation: 344-531=aace

Answer: aace


Mr Jacques wrote a bonus problem on the board. I f Gina correctly answer, she gets extra time to read. The problem is to write a statement that correctly relates the numbers 9 and 18. Which should Gina write?a) 18 is a common multiple of 9
and 18
b) 27 is a common multiple of 9 and 18
c) 9 is a multiple of 18
d)18 is a factor of 9


The answer would be A. 
B is wrong because 27 is not a multiple of 18
C is wrong because 9 is not a multiple of 18- multiples are higher than the numbers.
D is wrong because 18 is not a factor of 9. factors are what can go into the number, so they will always be smaller than the actual number.

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The answer is 176.56! BTW how is that in the elementary category?
I think it is 55.175 but not quite sure

Two tomato seeds were planted and watered after six weeks ,plant was 26cetmeters tall.the plant only 74% as tall what was hight the plant


The shorter plant was 19.24 cm in height.
74% is equal to 0.74, so the height of the shorter plant can be found by multiplying 0.74 by the height of the taller plant, 26 cm.

26 * 0.74 =19.24
so the height of the shorter plant is 19.24 centimeters