When doing a close reading, what is involved in the process of annotating a text?


Answer 1
Answer: When doing a close reading, some find it useful to annotate the text by putting in little notes and explanations of what is being said. This helps the reader remember details. This can be done in the margins of the text or on a separate pad.
Answer 2

When one annotates, what is involved is usually whateverwill help a student (or reader) do whatever it is he or she needs to be done bymanner of in-text note taking in order to best understand the text beingread.  For instance, typically, in themargins of a text, notes can be taken that provide a summary of aparagraph.  Areas of the text, too, canbe highlighted/underlined that are confusing as a reminder to do additionalresearch on otherwise confusing concepts presented in a text.  Some students will circle key words anddefinitions and even write down questions or ideas he or she may have had whenreading for later class discussion or future research.  Thus, again, annotating is a type of in-textnote taking one may do in order to help him or her better comprehend a text.

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I would say that A) "As the black cascade of perfume came tumbling over his breast" uses sensory details to indirectly suggest an impression.
The other answers either don't have sensory details, or aren't indirect.

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Okay so in the south in the past, not so much anymore, people were extremely religious. For most african american people, and other slaves, God was their only hope at freedom. For Martin Luther King to include biblical references is like a teacher including a football reference in class to gain respect and followers from all the people listening. It gained hope from all slaves. i dont know if this helps, and you may want to expand a bit more if you understand what i am trying to say.

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Choice A.

A correction to B would be "I can't wait to see Ireland!"
A correction to C would be to replace the semi colon with a comma
A correction to D would be to replace the colon with a semi colon or a hyphen.

The correct answer is a.

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Whenever someone uses a literary device and uses the words like or as, you know it is a simile.

It is a simile




What is the correct Passive form of this sentence? 9. The band will have given out 50 free tickets to their fans by May.
A - 50 free tickets will be given out to fans by May.
B - 50 free tickets have been given out to their fans by May.
C - 50 free tickets will have been given out to the band by May.
D - 50 free tickets will have been given out to their fans by May.


The correct passive form of the sentence above is:

D - 50 free tickets will have been given out to their fans by May.

The direct object will become the subject of the sentence and considered as more important than the subject.