Which source should you NOT consult to validate an advertisement's claim?A-- peer-reviewed scientific journals

B-- websites of government agencies

C--your doctor

D-- website of the product manufacturer


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is most likely D. 

The product manufacturer will be biased. Of course they will support the claim, because they make money if you believe the claim and buy their product. 

It's better to consult the other sources, assuming of course that they are unbiased and do not have any conflicts of interest. 
Answer 2
Answer: I would think that no matter what the advertising is about the least objective source for truthful information would be the product website. After all, their goal is to sell a product to consumers.

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The heart rate is the number of times the heart beats in a/an


The heart rate is the number of times the heart beats in a "minute".  The normal heart rate depends on the age, heart conditions, body size and even whether the person is sitting or moving. Having a knowledge about your heart rate is useful to monitor your fitness level.

Research is performed under_________
_________state and federal___________



Research is performed under both state and federal regulations.

State regulations vary depending on the state in which the research is being conducted, but typically involve obtaining institutional review board (IRB) approval, ensuring the safety and welfare of the subjects, and respecting their rights to privacy and confidentiality.

Federal regulations include the Common Rule (45 CFR 46) and the regulations of various federal agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These regulations provide further guidance on the conduct of research involving human subjects, animal subjects, and other sensitive areas such as gene therapy and stem cell research.

Overall, research must adhere to both state and federal regulations to ensure the ethical and lawful conduct of scientific inquiry.

I hope this helps!

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A theory is an educated guess that can be true or false. it's to be corrected during the experiment. 
an observation is when you look at something and you notice about the experiment. 

The host is always harmed in a parasitic interaction. A. True B. False


The answer is false, the host could either be not harmed but not helped or the host could be helped but not harmed, it dose not always have to be parasitism. :)

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The correct is D


Healthcare professions must work together for the system to run effectively.


d. Healthcare professions must work together for the system to run effectively.


edg2021 Health Scienc and Medical Tech :D

What is the benefit of using neutral arguments to express oneself while in a conflict?



The benefit of using neutral arguments to express oneself while in a conflict is that the conflict does not get violent or offensive when neutral arguments are used.

A neutral argument does not blame the other person who is involved in the conflict, therefore, it helps in reducing the tension between the persons involved in the conflict.

In neutral argument statements having 'you' word is avoided which shows that he is not offensive and does not want to escalate the problem. Therefore a neutral argument can result in solving conflicts.

Final answer:

Using neutral arguments in conflict situations promotes rational disagreement and fosters understanding of differing viewpoints. This approach prevents conflict escalation and promotes a spirit of reconciliation, playing a vital role in maintaining stability in diverse contexts.


The benefit of using neutral arguments when expressing oneself in a conflict is that it fosters a more respectful, constructive, and rational disagreement rather than a heated quarrel. In potentially uncertain or contentious situations, neutral arguments can help alter perceptions, change minds, or defend beliefs and ideas in a manner that doesn't aggravate the existing conflict.

For instance, when you consider both your position and that of your opposition, you are able to better understand their viewpoint, making your argument more effective. Constructively questioning the motivations of the opposition and acknowledging alternatives to their stance can also help underline the credibility of your argument, without resorting to unwarranted attacks.

Ultimately, whether in politics, academia, or personal relationships, using neutral arguments promotes empathy, acknowledgement of past suffering, and halt of destructive behaviors, pushing towards an environment of reconciliation rather than conflict escalation. Therefore, neutrality plays an integral role in maintaining the status quo, or keeping the broader stability of a context or system.

Learn more about Neutral Arguments here:

