What are some advantages and disadvantages of (your) school/school rules? In german, and say what it means too. please.


Answer 1
Answer: We can go wherever we want to for lunch. = Wir können in der Mittagspause hingehen wo wir wollen.
By having rules in school you also learn to follow rules in life. = Durch Regeln in der Schule lernt man Regeln auch im späteren Leben zu folgen.
Because our breaks in school are so short, students are late for their classes. = Weil die Pausen in der Schule so kurz sind, sind Schüler spät zu ihren Stunden.
Because school starts early, most students are tired and don´t want to learn. = Weil Schule früh startet, sind viele Schüler müde und wollen nicht lernen.
Answer 2
Answer: our school is on computers students can just put a checkmark that they did it =
unserer Schule ist auf Computern Studenten setzen Sie einfach ein Häkchen, dass sie es getan hat. our school is at home :D = unserer Schule ist zu Hause.

Hope this helped you! = Hoffe, das Ihnen geholfen!

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That is from Rick and morty which is a animated science fiction adult show


The claim that "9/11 was an inside job" suggests that the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City were orchestrated or facilitated by individuals within the United States government. It is important to note that this claim is a conspiracy theory that has been widely debunked by experts and investigations.


The 9/11 attacks were carried out by the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden. The attacks involved 19 hijackers who took control of four commercial airplanes. Two of these planes were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, causing their collapse. Another plane was flown into the Pentagon, while the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to regain control from the hijackers.

Multiple investigations, including the 9/11 Commission Report, have thoroughly examined the events of 9/11. These investigations have concluded that the attacks were executed by al-Qaeda and there is no evidence to support the claim that it was an inside job.

Conspiracy theories often arise from a desire to make sense of tragic events or a distrust in official explanations. However, it is crucial to rely on credible sources and evidence-based investigations when evaluating such claims.

If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask.

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4. Ergänze die Sätze mit den Zeitangaben in der richtigen Reihenfolge und schreib sie im Heft auf. 1. ? spielen wir Basketball. (um 8 Uhr/im...


How do you say nice to meet you in German?


Hey, Kaylaw12340!
"Nice to meet you." is the same as "Freut mich Sie kennen zu lernen"
I hope this helps;)

Schön dich zu treffen

Was wirst du in der zukunft sein? (you can use un zu and man muss for this)Hast du einen Teizetjob? (you can make it up)


                     (English translation)

First connect the dots from the past to the present time.
I think in future, their would be new inventions, new medical drugs, many people is going to die from HIV/AIDS, we would finally visit mars, and since their are smart phones, smart televisons, their would also be smart people like Albert Einstein in the past.

               (German translation)

Verbinden Sie zuerst die Punkte aus der Vergangenheit bis zur Gegenwart .Ich denke, in Zukunft ihre würden neue Erfindungen , neue Medikamente , viele Menschen vor sich geht , um von HIV / AIDS sterben, wir würden endlich Besuch Mars , und da ihr sind Smartphones, Smart televisons , ihre würde auch intelligente Menschen wie Albert sein Einstein in der Vergangenheit.

Which sentence is correct?A. Wir habe gesprochen B. Wir gesprochen
(its supposed to be in perfekt)


Translation: A. We have spoken        B. We talked

The correct sentence is B. WE TALKED.

It is correct because it give a complete thought. When they said "We talked", it means that two persons had a conversation. One is on one side, the other is on the other side.

choice A. We have spoken. It does not express a complete thought. If did not provide an answer, instead, it raised a question: With whom did they speak?
A correct sentence for choice A would be: We have spoken with Amy.
The "We" is comprised of at least two persons that are on the same side while Amy is on the other side of the conversation.

I will dispute the previous answer...

General construction for the perfekt tense:
Auxiliary verb (conjugated) + Past Participle (at the end of the sentence)

For the perfekt tense you need to have an auxiliary verb (Hilfsverb) in order to grammatically make sense in German... These hilfsverbs are either haben/sein depending which one the verb has been assigned...These you will just have to memorize. 
Although, majority of the time sein will apply to verbs of movement while haben will apply to those that are stationary or don't have any change in location. 

Technically neither of these would be completely correct in German.

A. Does not have "haben" conjugated correctly
B. Missing the hilfsverb 
"Wir haben gesprochen" would be the correct answer. 

Were these given on an assignment or did you make up these sentences? 

Could someone please write something for this exercise? you'd be of great help
thanks in advance to anyone who is willing to lend a hand ☺ ​


Which „Essensgewohnheit“ is meant in the first question?