The number of daylight hours changes during the year because?


Answer 1
Answer: The number of daylight hours changes during the year because of the Earth's slight tilt on its axis. This is the same reason why seasons occur. As the Earth rotates around the sun, its slight tilt makes it so that places away from the equator gradually are located farther and farther away from the sun thus changing the number of daylight hours.

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What was the most common jobs in 1800


Farmer, Newspaper Boy, Shoemaker, Rancher.


Most common job in 1800


Apothecary - acted as pharmacist, doctor, dentist, and general storekeeper

Barber - cut hair; also was a surgeon

Blacksmith-Armorer - made things from iron and repaired weapons


Breechesmaker - mades breeches


Cabinetmaker - made and repaired furniture

Carpenter-joiner - built interiors of ships and houses

Chandler - made candles

Coachmaker - made coaches and wagons

Cooper - made containers of wood, such as barrels

Cutler - made, sold, and repaired knives and scissors

Farrier - shoed horses and acted as a veterinarian

Goldsmith - made hollow ware (bowls, cups, and vases) and jewelry



Leather dresser

Mantuamaker - dressmaker

Milliner - made dresses and hats and sold accessories

Music Teacher

Printer - published the newspaper, sold books and other printed materials, and often served as postmaster


Saddler - made saddles, harnesses, and other leather items



Tavern Keeper - provided meals, drinks, entertainment, and lodging


Wheelwright - made wheels and carts


Whitesmith - made things of iron and steel, then polished them to make them look like silver

Which is not classified as a fossil fuel? A. coal B. natural gas C. oil D. uranium D??2.Which is an accurate description of a winter solstice?

The hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and the sun reaches its highest point in the sky.

The hemisphere is tilted toward the sun and the sun reaches its highest point in the sky.

The hemisphere is tilted toward the sun and the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky.

The hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky. B?

3.What does the red-shift of galaxies indicate?

The universe is shrinking.

The sizes of the galaxies are shrinking.

The galaxies are moving toward each other.

The universe is expanding. A?


okay so for the first question the answer is D because uranium is not classified as a fossil fuel. 
for the second one i believe its C: The hemisphere is tilted toward the sun and the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky.

and for the third question the answer is also D because the universe would be moving away form each other or in this case (expanding) 
#1. D 
#2. C
#3. D 

hope this helps:)

1 is B, 2 i think is D 3 i belive, is also D

Which u.s. region receives the most precipitation


The correct answer is - Hawaii region.

The Hawaii islands, have the rainiest place in the United States, it is the Mount Waialeale on Kauai, and it averages around 11,684 mm of precipitation. This actually makes this place, not just the rainiest in the United States, but it is up there in global terms as one of the rainiest places in the whole world.

Most commonly, the northwest or the central south coastline are seen as the rainiest ones in the country, but people very often forget that the Hawaii are actually part of the United States as well, so make an honest mistake.


The Answer Is The South

What is a destructive wave



  1. constructive waves are the waves that build up the beaches.
  • They have a large 'swash', which means they can carry deposits of sand and other materials far up the beach.

   2. On the other hand, destructive waves are much larger and more

       powerful, and are mostly made during a storm.

  • The backwash is more effective than the swash in moving material, and waves having this character are usually steep and associated with onshore winds. #answerwithquality #BAL


a destructive wave would be a massive body of water that causes part of the land to erode away with one hit.


This can be caused by high winds with large fetch areas. These waves have enormous amounts of energy because of traveling for far distances and being exposed to high force winds.

Nececito saber algunos factores que inciden en la calidad de vida de un pais.


-cantidad de muertes anuales (causas naturales)
-cantidad de muertes anuales (causas no naturales)
-cantidad de inmigrantes anuales
-cantidad de emigrantes anuales

What is the practice of leaving the stocks of crops in the ground to anchor topsoil


The practice of leaving old stalks in the ground to provide cover from the rain. The cover reduces water runoff and slows soil erosion