What happens when the sun is blocked


Answer 1
Answer:   If a shadow was cast over the entire earth. We would die. How fast?
Well if the shadow was cast by something being directly in front of thesun at its surface (that's a pretty darn big "something") then it wouldprobably take about 1 hour for everyone to die. 8 minutes for us to seethe sun get blocked out and for the light to stop hitting the earth.Another 52 minutes for the entire atmosphere to cool... well freeze...then everyone would die. The temperatures would plummet fast enough tofreeze a layer of ice over all the oceans in a few hours. People couldsurvive this if they had warning, although there would be no habitableworld to come back to.

You need to understand that, without any sunlight, the earth wouldplummet to at least about -171º C. that's -279º F. What keeps us warm isthe fact that one side of the planet ALWAYS has sunlight. + we haveoceans and atmosphere to distribute heat. But if both sides of theearths atmosphere had to be subjected to those temperatures, it wouldsimply freeze the more and more of the atmosphere until it got to thelevel that you breath O2 at. The oceans would cool much too fast tosustain any heat distribution and the ice caps would grow faster andfaster and faster until the earth is frozen over.

My estimate is about 1 hour for ground level temperatures to hit a critical life threatening level

Answer 2
Answer: the earth will not be able to get it sun and that if the earth dont hsave it sun
it will always e night

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Learn more about cell membrane at: brainly.com/question/13524386


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