Russia is so large that itA. spans two continents
B. borders eight other countries
C. spans 24 time zones
D. has more than 1000 ocean ports


Answer 1
Answer: A - correct - Europe and Asia
B - incorrect - it borders 12 countries
C - incorrect - it has 9 time zones
D - incorrect - I'm not sure how many it has but it's definitely less than 1000

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The literary movement that was stylistically rooted in political pamphlets, highly ornate writing, and rhetoric was rationalism. 

A constitutional monarchy provides what power to a monarch? A. Absolute power over parliament B. Power for kings, not queens C. Only power given in the constitution D. A divine right of kingsSuppose you work for a government agency that regulates the buying and selling in the country. Which main purpose of government is your agency serving? A. Distribution of resources B. Keeping civil order C. Organizing work for common goals D. Settling disputes


The answer for the first question is C. Only power given in the constitution 
Before the existence of the constitution, the country was run solely on the power and the will of the monarch. (they made all the rules and has the power to execute whoever dare to insult the monarch)
This make the government had an absolute power over its citizen since nothing could prevent the king for doing whatever he pleased.

The answer for the second question is A. 
distribution of resources
When government spend a certain amount of taxpayer's money to buy supplies and equipment needed for welfare programs, for example, the government has allocated the resources from those who had exceed of resource to the one that need it.

  D. Only power given in the constitution

Paul witnessed a murder while walking through the subway three weeks ago. Three days after witnessing the murder, Paul began experiencing intense anxiety and reliving what he saw at night in his dreams. Paul would most likely be diagnosed with ____________.



an acute stress disorder.


In abnormal psychology, an acute stress disorder is distinguished as a condition in which a person develops dissociation, severe anxiety, and a few other symptoms that tend to occur within a single month after he or she is being exposed to an extreme "traumatic stressor", for example, serious accident, witnessing the death of loved one, divorce, etc.

As per the question, Paul would most likely be diagnosed with an acute stress disorder.

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The anti federalist believed,  greatest threat  liberty was a powerful federal government.

Hey There!

The anti federalist believed, the greatest threat to liberty was a powerful federal government.

How did rising population help the industrial revolution?


The rising population, especially in the cities, did two things tofurther the Industrial Revolution. The first was that it created alarger and growing pool of labour. More people were willing and able tofill the expanding job market. The second most important thing is thata growing population caused a greater demand for products that werebeing produced. People of the cities needed more food, more housing,more consumer products. The Industrial Revolution is the real beginningof a consumption based society. More people meant more demand witch inturn fueled increased production to fill the need . . . and the peoplein that growing working class were both the producers and the consumersof the products.

Final answer:

The rising population helped the Industrial Revolution by providing increased labor supply, expanding the consumer base, and stimulating technological advancements.


The rising population helped the industrial revolution in several ways:

  1. Increased labor supply: As the population grew, more people were available to work in the factories and industries, providing the necessary manpower to fuel production.
  2. Expanded consumer base: With more people living in urban areas, the demand for goods and services increased, leading to a greater market for manufacturers and merchants.
  3. Technological advancements: Growing population stimulated the development of new technologies and innovations to meet the needs of the expanding society, contributing to the progress of the industrial revolution.

One mostly negative effect of urbanization was the establishment of


One mostly negative effect of urbanization was the establishment of a lot of factories and different types of plants. These factories and plants contribute to the worsening state of the ozone layer causing an unmanageable global warming. Overpopulation is among the many negative effects of urbanization.

United States history it's slums