Hamlet William Shakespeare Masterprose study questions 

1. What mood is stressed at the outset of the play


Answer 1
Answer: The darkness and poor weather, along with the witches, breeds a gloomy spirit.

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In To Kill A Mockingbird, why didn't the Ewell's have to go to school?


The Ewell family in "To Kill a Mockingbird" didn't have to go to school because of their social status and poverty.

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the Ewell family'sexemption from attending school is attributed to their social status and poverty. The Ewells are depicted as one of the poorest and most marginalized families in Maycomb. Their living conditions, lack of hygiene, and disregard for education reflect their low social standing within the community.

Due to their poverty and the prejudice prevalent in Maycomb, the Ewells are exempted from the typical expectations and requirements placed on other families, such as sending their children to school. Education is often seen as a privilege and an avenue for upward mobility, but the Ewells, being on the outskirts of society, do not conform to these expectations.

Their exemption from attending school serves as a commentary on the social inequalities and injustices present in Maycomb, highlighting how poverty and societal prejudice can deny individuals access to educational opportunities and perpetuate cycles of disadvantage.

Learn more about To Kill a Mockingbird, here:



Because they are poor. It says in Chapter 3 page 31.

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b. fire blanket
c. fire extinguisher
d. goggles


The answer is goggles (D)
Goggles protect your eyes.

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Dr Suess wrote the book 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish
Dr.Seuss wrote the book .

The will to power is symbolized byA. Buck's killing Spitz.
B. Hal's arguing with Charles.
C. Thornton's rifle.
D. Buck's becoming friends with Thornton


A. Buck's killing Spitz
is the correct answer. Call of the Wild is a good book! :3
Hope this helps and have a great day!  :P

Tone, volume, and pace are part of what body language?


answer is spoken language 

its part of spoken language as you can see its telling us what eactly were using here

What is freedom of expression


Freedom of expression is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Helps?