Based on Oliver Wendell Holmes’ quote, the mind does not have the capacity to do which of the following? learn





Answer 1

The correct answer is retract.

The quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes reads as follows.
“Once the mind has been stretched by a new idea, it will never again return to its original size.”  

Hope this helps. :)

Answer 2

Answer: retract and unlearn


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The answer it's variant A.themselves because it's an indirect object in dative case
When you clear away all the ornaments, decorations, and cobwebs,
the sentence says  "Performers made dinner."

Subject = performers
Predicate = made
Direct Object = dinner.

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the answer is true lol

What is a metaphor in English terms


a metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word'phrase is applied to an object/ action to which it is not literally suited.


the cats fur was a blanket of warmth. 
'her eyes were fireflies.'

and a common metaphor:

the cat's fur isn't /actually/ a blanket, but it's body heat makes the cats fur warm and snuggly.

her eye's aren't /really/ fireflies, but they're very bright and shining (indicating happiness, perhaps?)

heat's don't /actually/ break into pieces, its just hurt and sadness (and a common metaphor.)

hope this helped!!
Figure of Speech (or stylisticdevice or rhetorical device) is using of different styles to complement anidea, feeling or meaning. These speeches give importance, newness ofexpression, or clearness. The following are the figures of speeches:

, Anastrophe, Anaphora, Antonomasia, Personification, Simile, Analogy, Metaphor, Alliteration,Euphemism, Assonance,Idiom, Funny Metaphors, Jargon, Double Negative, Anadiplosis, Appositive, EnthymemeParallelism,  Adjunction, Antithesis, Apostrophe, Climax, Metonymy, Oxymoron, Litotes, Paralipsis, Hyperbole, Onomatopoeia, Imagery, Symbol, Pun, Allegory, Tautology, RhetoricZeugma, Anticlimax,Consonance, Irony, Polysyndeton, Rhetorical Question, Asyndeton, Parenthesis, Antimetabole, Epistrophe, Understatement, Chiasmus, Epithetand False Analogy.

A metaphor is a subtle comparison of one word,relating to another.

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"Time" the theme
or Time Travel


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Citizen journalists report news that might otherwise be ignored.

There is no system that checks the accuracy of the citizen reports.

Social media has created a movement that has changed the journalism industry.

There doesn't need to be any oversight of content by citizen journalists. URGENT HELP



A and B


i took the test