How is ATP made during the light reactions?


Answer 1

ATP made during the light reactions through the following steps

  • Absorptionof light energy from the Sun

  • Generation of NADPH

The light  energy which is trapped by chlorophyll from the Sun is used in the oxidation of water to generate electrons which is used in the conversion of NADP⁺ to  NADPH.

The light energy also drives the conversion of ADP to ATP through the movement of protons across a membrane. These protons return through ATP synthase to make ATP.


Answer 2
Answer: In the light reaction, when electrons are transferred from photosystem 1 to photosystem 2, it goes through an electron transport chain. This ETC pumps protons into the thykaloid. Those protons diffuse out of the thykaloid through ATP synthase which energizes a phosphate group to bond to ADP. This creates ATP.

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a. a focus on cash crops

the data collected over the years clearly confirm depletion of ozone in the stratosphere. what do scientists still need to learn about the ozone hole?



Ozone is the layer (blanket) on the atmosphere that protects lives on earth, from the harmful incoming ultraviolet solar radiation. This are UV rays can damage the skins of humans. It is denoted by O₃ and is located at the stratosphere.

This ozone layer has been significantly affected due to the emission of green house gases. The use of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), methane gas (CH₄) as well as emission of carbon and sulfur has depleted the ozone layer.

Scientists have studied and examined why this depletion is going on and have suggested many steps to avoid ozone depletion and are still trying to find out the best solution to stop this ozone depletion. The use of products that contains CFC and releases methane gas must be avoided.

The ozone depletion is observed to be maximum in Antarctica because the environment there is suitable for the events that leads top the depletion of the ozone layer.

Ozone is simply a molecule consisting of 3 oxygen atoms, which reacts strongly with other molecules. Ozone is created in the stratosphere when high energy uv radiation causes on O2 molecule to split. The free oxygen atoms collide and react with other O2 molecules to form O3.

Production is highest where the solar uv is the greatest eg near the tropics, but once created, the ozone is then circulated towards the poles by the atmosphere. The amount of ozone in the stratosphere can vary with location, season and even day to day climatic conditions.

The process of ozone creation is what makes the O3 in the atmosphere very effective at shielding the Earth from harmful uv radiation, which can cause many biological problems, such as skin cancer. However, due to its high reactivity, the uv found in the tropospher at ground level can aslo be dangerous as a toxic pollutant which is harmful to plants and lung tissue, and is a major cause of smog.

The age of the universe is measured in 10 to 20


4.6 or 4.7 billion years

Which is TRUE of only children relative to children with siblings? a. They are more egotistical. b. They are more selfish. c. They are smarter and more mature. d. They are more likely to be ""spoiled brats.""


Answer: Option B) They are more egotistical


A singly raised child is more likely to be egotistical i.e considering himself or herself to be better and more important than others.

This perception is simply due to the focused attention, endowment, care and nurture given to such a child (in the absence of any sibling) by the parents.

Thus, singly raised children are more egotistical than children with siblings

Which of the following is not a direct fate of the energy flowing through photosynthesis? a. carnivores b. cellular respiration c. herbivores d. heat sinks



The correct answer is a. carnivores.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their food from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. Hence, they convert light energy into chemical energy (food or glucose).

This energy is first utilized in the cellular respiration and then the rest in transferred to the primary consumers i.e. herbivores which feed on green plants.

They use this energy in their metabolic processes. The rest is transferred to the secondary consumers i.e. carnivores which feed on the herbivores.

Hence, energy from the photosynthesis indirectly passes to the carnivores via herbivores.

Carnivores among the following choices is not a direct fate of the energy flowing through photosynthesis. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "a". It is basically neither transmitted or absorbed or reflected. I hope the answer comes to your help.

All of these are placental mammals excepta. porpoise.
b. mouse.
c. elephant.
d. opossum.


teh answer is d. opossum


The correct answer is the option: d. opossum.


Hello! Let's solve this!

A placental mammal is a mammal that is viviparous and its young fully develops in the mother's womb.

Mammalian metatheria are those that develop inside the marsupial pouch.

An example of the latter are marsupials and among them the opossum.

So we conclude that the correct answer is the option: d. opossum.