How are elements identified in terms of their atoms?


Answer 1
Answer: their identified by the number of protons they have in the nucleus which = their electrons.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Elements can be identified by their atoms through their atomic number, atomic mass, and chemical symbol, all of which are represented on the periodic table. The unique number of protons in an element's atomic nucleus is also identified. This information, combined with the arrangement of elements in the periodic table based on shared properties, reveals the identities of elements.


Elements are identified by their atoms through certain key properties that are represented on the periodic table. These key identifying properties include the atomic number, atomic mass, and the element's chemical symbol. For instance, in the case of carbon, its symbol (C) and name, its atomic number of six (given in the upper left-hand corner), and its atomic mass of 12.01 are displayed in its designated box in the periodic table.

Each element's unique number of protons in its atomic nucleus also helps identify an element. Additionally, the arrangement of elements in the periodic table provides insight into the elements' shared physical and chemical properties - they are arranged in a series of rows and columns based on these similarities. Atoms of elements can further combine and bond with each other in certain ways, based on these unique properties.

By the twentieth century, it was understood that these properties follow a periodic relationship with the atomic numbers, a concept referred to as the periodic law. A modern periodic table, thus, arranges the elements in ascending order of their atomic numbers and groups atoms with similar properties in the same column.

Learn more about Identifying Elements here:


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Why do plants found at a different elevation on a mountain might differ


Final answer:

The differing environmental conditions at different altitudes on a mountain lead plants to develop specific adaptations to those conditions. These adaptations can cause variations in characteristics of plant species across altitudes. Such variations may also signal potential speciation events.


Plants found at different elevations on a mountain differ due to adaptions to varying environmental conditions. The primary differences in environmental conditions can be attributed to three main factors - differences in temperature, light and atmospheric pressure across varying altitudes. As one climbs up a mountain, the temperature typically decreases, light intensity may vary, rainfall patterns may change, and atmospheric pressure decreases.

Plants adapt to these variable conditions in several ways. For instance, high altitude plants might develop adaptations to survive colder temperatures, stronger winds, and more intense UV radiation. They might have smaller leaves to reduce water loss, thicker cuticles to handle UV radiation, and can grow closer to ground to escape wind damage. On the other hand, plants at lower altitudes may have broader leaves to capture more sunlight, deeper roots systems to access water resources, and they can afford to invest more resources in growth, as opposed to survival mechanisms.

Observed differences in plant species across altitudes can also suggest potential speciation events, where the separation of populations by altitude leads to the development of new species over time. A possible way to ascertain this would be to observe whether, when grown in the same environment, high-altitude plants respond to low altitude in the same way that low-altitude plants do, and vice versa. This could indicate whether the observable differences are primarily due to environmental factors or genetic variation.

Learn more about Plant Adaptation here:
