Which personal pronoun agrees with the antecedent in this sentence? Everybody who participates in the boys' soccer camp must bring __________ own bag lunch. A. their B. our C. my D. his


Answer 1
Answer: The antecedent would be their. Our doesn't fit because it refers to the whole group. My just doesn't fit at all and neither does his. So it would be Their. :) 
Answer 2
Answer: It is going to be HIS, because it is a  -->BOYS<'--- soccer team

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A graphicorganizer is a good tool for studying or for presentations. It allows you to better observe the connections between several topics. It can also be very useful in determining the structure that your work should follow. In this case, some of the information you could include in your organizer would be:


1. They both require the use of balls in order to play.

2. They both organize the players in teams.


1. Baseball uses a bat, while basketball relies only on the hands for the most part.

1. They both use balls to play.
2. In both the players have to run.

1. In baseball the players wear a different type of clothing than in basketball.

The Shakespearean sonnet contains all of the following except a


it contains all of them except the volta 

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Perhaps you mean 'deus ex machina'? The play is resolved when a godly figure comes to mete out justice and solve the conflict in an unexpected way. 

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink


That is an idiom. It means that you can help someone do something (lead them), but you can't make them do it. 
Its an idiom. Its explaining that you can give them something to do but you can't make them do it.

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b. write about patriotic subjects
c. fight for a better world
d. focus on a single important issue in every book


Hello there.

Comprehension the questions below refer to the selections “autobiographical notes”. baldwin states that it is a writer’s duty to —

Examine attitudes in a deep, thoughtful manner

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north America had a large amount of gold & silver