Many 12-15 year olds have access to the internet which cannot be supervised by an adult.Discuss the problems that this might cause.


Answer 1
Answer: There are many problems that might cause.  One, children might go on illegal websites such as inappropriate sites and gambling sites.  Facebook is also illegal for children under the age of 14 but many still can fake their age.  Another problem is that kids might accidentally or purposefully give out personal information which could lead to cyberbullying, hacking, or even terrorizing.  
Answer 2
Answer: It could cause the problems of online dating and gambling websites and you can not get on face book under 14 or 15. Which they could also go to inopropiate websites.   

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Do you believe that OOP should be phased out and we should start working on some alternative(s)? Provide your answer with Yes or No.• Give your opinion with two solid reasons to support your answer.


Answer:  No, working on alternative instead of OOP is not  good idea from my point of view. In this time of computer technology, there are many different ways to solve a problem. OOP is the choice of law when it comes to solve a problem using object oriented solutions. OOP is a way of developing software that sums up the responsibilities of the system in a company which works together on objects. Objects are not the differentiating characteristics of Object Oriented Programming, instead these are necessary for writing object oriented software.

There are various reasons to use OOP against other alternatives, from which two are given below:

  1. If a problem is classified or divided in many different categories, this will results in complex interactions, for which an object oriented modeling will be selected. The problems like these ends up in complex results in other models.
  2. The standardized approach towards solving problems is Object Oriented designs patterns. By using OO, solutions are generated, which are understandable for both creator and the coder. There are different numbers of design patterns of OO.

users can resize a table in word 2016 by utilizing the anchor point in the__cornor of the table of the table



Top left and bottom right


If you will look at the top left and the bottom right corner of the table, you will find the anchor point, and this anchor point can be used to resize the table. You can use any of these, and the table can be resized using these. Also, if you want to autofit the text, or table, in a two-column format, you need to use the Autofit text option. And your table and text inside will be autofitted to the column in which they are placed. This is quite useful when you prepare a research paper, in the two-column style of documentation. You can autofit to size almost anything, whether it is a table. images, videos, shapes or anything.

The general who directed the project responsible for the "Fat Man” graduated from what alma mater in 1918? Hint: W___ P____.


The general who directed the project responsible for the "Fat Man” graduated from : West point The fat man project refer to the codename of the atomic bomb that were dropped on top of Nagasaki in 1945. Although by dropping the bomb we did made japan surrender from the world war II, we killed more than 50,000 people with a single bombHope this helps. Let me know if you need additional help!

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Making sure everything is updated regularly

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A dedicated computer is one that is only for one particular service such as data base server, file servers, web servers or mail server.
database server - computer dedicated to databases
Hope this helped