Multicellular organisms can be organized into what other levels?


Answer 1
Answer: Cells are the fundamental unit of life, grouped through a series of organization. As basic histology explains the primal hierarchy between each organized organism has basic unit called cells. Cells when grouped form tissues, when group of tissues are formed together they make organs, some organisms skip from organs to organs systems to form an existing organism as a whole. Describing how is the cells group is the process of multiplication of cell or the so-called cell division, mitosis. This mechanism of each cell produces another cell that binds together and produces again, repeatedly, to be a larger system called now the tissue as explained earlier. How? Through cell division called, mitosis. Excerpt meiosis –cell division specifically in the sex cells.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Multicellular organisms are organized into various levels, including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. Each level has a unique role and is often comprised of lower levels, such as organs being made up of tissues, which are made up of cells.


Yes, indeed, multicellular organisms can be further organized into other levels. These include the cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, and the organism level. Higher levels of organization are built from lower levels. For instance, molecules combine to form cells, cells combine to make tissues, tissues form organs, organs come together to form organ systems, and organ systems combine to form organisms. Organisms are individual living entities. For instance, every single tree in a forest is an organism. Single-celled prokaryotes and single-celled eukaryotes are also considered organisms and are typically referred to as microorganisms.

Learn more about Levels of Organizational Complexity in Multicellular Organisms here:


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Native species is defined as species which originated and developed in its surrounding habitat and has adapted to living in that particular environment.

Examples of invasive plant species are kudzu vine, English ivy, Japanese knotweed, etc. Animal examples are New Zealand mud snail, European rabbit, grey squirrel, carp, etc.

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The two upper chambers are the atria or auricles. They are the left and right atriums

Which of the following statements accurately describes the process of dating Earth's history?a. Scientists use radiometric dating to determine the relative age of a new fossil.
b. Scientists use relative dating to determine the absolute age of a new fossil.
c. Scientists use radioactive isotopes to determine the absolute age of a new fossil.
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a. Scientists use radiometric dating to determine the relative age of a new fossil.

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Which activity can occur without the use ofenergy?
(1) contraction of muscle tissue
(2) protein synthesis in a cell
(3) active transport of minerals
(4) movement of water across a membrane



-Movement of water across a membrane


-Movement of water molecules across a membrane is an example of passive transport . Passive transport involves movement of ions and other atomic or molecular substances across cell membranes without need of energy input.

-Unlike active transport, passive transport does not require an input of cellular energy (ATP). Examples of types of passive transport are osmosis and diffusion.

20. What are three common clues that a chemical change has occurred?


The right answer is Change in color, production of gas, formation of precipitate.

Chemical changes alter the nature and characteristic properties of matter. New substances are formed as a result of the reaction.

It is said that a pure substance has undergone a chemical change if it has been transformed into one or more new pure substances which do not have the same properties as the starting substance.

The characteristic properties of the substances disappear and the products formed have new properties.

There are several (even more than three) that can recognize the presence of a chemical change.

* The formation of a gas (effervescence)

* Production or absorption of heat

* The production of bright light

* A significant color change

* A change of smell

* The formation of a precipitate

Three common clues that a chemical change has occured are a change in color, change in odor, and the formation of a precipitate.