Which salutation uses correct punctuation? A. Dear Miguel! I've missed our talks. B. Dear Suzy? How is your mother? C. Dear Grandmother. Thank you for the gift! D. Dear Rosanna, I just heard your good news.


Answer 1
Answer: D. Dear Rosanna, I just heard your good news use correct punctuation
You will never put anything else except the comma after dear... in any letter.
Answer 2
Answer: D. Dear Rosanna, I just heard your good news.

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How is the underlined gerund phrase used in the sentence? They heard the poodle's barking from the yard.
A.predicate nominative

B.object of a preposition

C.direct object



i think it might be C

Which description is an example of direct characterization? A. the actress


Example : "Bill was a liar and a cheat." (he's a liar and a cheat) 

Indirect characterization uses statements and dialogue to describe a character by providing illustrating examples. 

Do you think guns should be illegal in the United States and why?
Give two reasons why.


No, guns should be legal in the United States.

Banning guns doesn't work. Hitler banned guns, Zedong banned guns, and guess what? They killed millions and millions of people after they banned them. How are WE suppose to stand up for ourselves if guns are banned? Most people feel safe with a gun. Guns are not the problem, it's the person using them the incorrect way. The best thing to do nowadays is to teach everybody to use a gun the CORRECT WAY. Not to shoot humans, dogs/cats. 

Banning guns will not stop crimes, or stop people from hurting each other. There are knives, swords, etc. 
I think that banning guns would make the US safer because then the criminals would have to turn them in and the gangsters would have nothing to shoot each other with. I also think that there should be security cameras and full body scanners everywhere in public places to prevent mass shootings. I think that only the police and the president and the secret service should be allowed to have guns because they work for the government and the government would never abuse it's power.

How like a winter hath my absence beenFrom thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year!
What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!
What old December's bareness every where!
And yet this time removed was summer's time;
The teeming autumn, big with rich increase,
Bearing the wanton burden of the prime,
Like widow'd wombs after their lords' decease:
Yet this abundant issue seem'd to me
But hope of orphans and unfather'd fruit;
For summer and his pleasures wait on thee,
And, thou away, the very birds are mute;
Or, if they sing, 'tis with so dull a cheer
That leaves look pale, dreading the winter's near.
Where does the tone shift in the poem?


The poem's tone shifts in the ninth line, where the speaker begins with "Yet." This word indicates a contrast or a concession to the previous eight lines, where the speaker laments his absence from his beloved and compares it to a bleak winter. The ninth line marks the beginning of the third quatrain, where the speaker reveals that his time away was summer's time, full of abundance and fertility. However, he still feels unhappy and hopeless, as if he had lost his spouse or children. He explains that his joy depends on his beloved's presence, and everything seems dull and lifeless without him. The tone in this quatrain is less sorrowful than the first two but still melancholic and longing. The tone shifts again in the final couplet, where the speaker uses a conditional clause, "if they sing," to imagine a scenario where the birds are not mute. He concludes that even if they sing, their cheer is so dull that the leaves look pale, fearing the winter's near. The tone in this couplet is more pessimistic and resigned than the previous quatrain, as the speaker suggests that there is no hope or happiness in his absence. The poem is a Shakespearean sonnet, usually with a volta or a turn before the final couplet. However, this poem has two voltas, one in the ninth line and one in the thirteenth line, creating a more complex and nuanced expression of the speaker's emotions.

How did huck escape the clutches of the angry townspeople ?


Huck used the situation where everyone was stunned because of the wealth found and escaped the angry townspeople while they weren't focusing on him.

Answer:    The correct answer is :  All the people were in such a hurry to see the gold that they forgot that Huck, Duke and the king were there, when they took the opportunity to escape.

Explanation:  The king and Duke can also escape, but Huck is worried about what they will do. It is discovered that the king and Duke are frauds, Huck had very little time to execute his plan

17. Choose the sentence below in which of is used correctly.A. The bird flew north of the beach.
B. We should of left early.
C. The boys surrendered, but they should of fought.
D. The three girls might of broken the records.


Only A is correct
B-We should have left early (should've)
C-The boys should have fought (should've)
D-They might have broken the records (might've)
These abbreviations in brackets may also be used

It's A. The bird flew north of the beach.