When a person refers to another person as a "prodigal son," what does the allusion mean about that person?   A. The person respected his father and inherited the father's wealth.   B. The person was angry because another child was preferred.   C. The person grieved because something dear to him was lost.   D. The person rejected his family but later returned


Answer 1
Answer: D. The person rejected his family but later returned. It is a reference to the biblical story found in Luke chapter 15. 
Answer 2
Answer: D in the bible the prodigal son left his family to make him own future but failed and was forced to return home.

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Which sentence does not contain any errors in comma usage? A. The table was delivered in two, cardboard boxes. B. Sally has a new blue bedspread. C. It is, an octagonal, wooden table. D. The old, and dusty table had cracked broken legs.


The correct answer is B. Sally has a new blue bedspread.

Why not the other ones?
A. The table was delivered in two, cardboard boxes. - this sentence should not have a coma between 'two' and 'cardboard'
C. It is, an octagonal, wooden table. - we don't put a comma after verb - in this case after 'is'
D. The old, and dusty table had cracked broken legs. - there is no need to put a comma before a conjunction word (i this case - and)

My little sister is doing her SAT's next week on Monday 9th May, I never did my SAT's as I lived in another country and now I don't know what tips and revision tips to give her. Please help! thankyou! ♥♥♥♥


Well im also taking my math and la arts just its takes 3-4 hrs to do bring snacks bring earphones and just tell your gonna do great you got this la arts all your doing is typing in some parts and math there is all the stuff there for you and don't forget bring a number 2 pencils
-Hopes this helps♥

Anyone know a couple things about romeo and juliet?How does Mercutio convey his anger before he dies?

A. He complains that Tybalt is the worse swordsman and should have lost.

B. He begs Romeo to avenge his death.

C. He curses both families involved in the feud.

D. He makes jokes about his wounds.


C. He curses both families involved in the feud

Which is the BEST definition for the word interest as it is used in the selected sentence?


the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.

Can you tell me what Is a Pen Name?


A pen name is a name an author publishes a book under. It isn't their real name, it's only the name they go by when writing books.

Many female authors used male names to publish their books in time periods such as 1700s or 1800s, when women weren't thought of as smart and they didn't have rights. The male names were their pen names, used so that people would respect them.

Examples in modern day (pen name --> real name):
J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) --> Joanne Kathleen Rowling
Lemony Snicket (Series of Unfortunate Events) --> Daniel Handler
A 'pen name' is the name a writer uses on the things he writes. It doesn't have to be
his real name.

The French phrase is "nom de plume" . . . "name of the pen".

An example:

In the 19th Century (the 18 hundreds), there were several great French novels
that were written by George Sand, and they became very popular.

Except that George Sand was really a lady named Armandine Aurore Lucille Dupin,
who was married and had two children.

Which sentence contains the BEST use of dialogue to convey that Harry is afraid of the snake he has found in his back yard? A) "Yikes! It's a snake! Run and get dad!" Harry yelled fearfully. B) "Look! It's a snake. Let's catch it and play with it," Harry said to Tom. C) "A snake! Let's keep looking. There may be a whole family in our back yard." Harry said excitedly. D) "There's a snake over by the swing in the back yard. I wonder if it's poisonous?" Harry pondered thoughtfully





The answer is A because it shows he is scared.


"Yikes! It's a snake! Run and get dad!" Harry yelled fearfully.


The use of exclamation points and the phrase "yelled fearfully" show that Harry is afraid of the snake.