What do you know about Russia and Russians? Did you know that mathematics Americans learn in high school is a part of Russian elementary school program?


Answer 1
Answer: The second question you have to ask for yourself (;)) (But I was not surprised at least- i mean, I think it's plausible).

I think you mean what do you know about Russian educational system (else: there is just so much to know, it's a vast country, with main language Russian, but there are many other languages and cultures there, some small and slowly dying out in Siberia, but also big nations, such as the Chechens who have their own republic. Other nations are free to use their languages as long as their use the Cyrillic script  )

The Russian educational system stresses learning knowledge, while the US system stresses learning skills. So Russians would learn more topics in mathematics, but maybe tend to practice them less- Still, they are not too bad at them, as you see by their frequent participation in math competitions).

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  • The agreement they made in the summit apply to all countries whether its developed or underdeveloped not only to the developed countries.
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In economics, we compare variables in a graph for all of the following reasons EXCEPTa. to paint a picture of two or more variables.
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d. to explain relationships between two or more variables.


In economics, we compare variables in a graph for all of the following reasons EXCEPT to paint a picture of two or more variables. This statement does not correlate with the above choices about variables in graph for economics. You are not trying to paint a picture, you want to know the trend of your variables.

To know the exact future.

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In any democratic society, negative impacts on individuals could be observed when the chosen candidate from particular individuals doesn't get chosen. When this happens, the people whose candidate didn't get chosen might suffer from some negative consequences in the sense that they feel worse because of it. Another thing that can happen is when a law doesn't get passed which would benefit certain minorities for example. 

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Option- A

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  • As, human behavior can be termed as more inconsistent in nature and there is no clear constant form of sequence for the different individuals to live there lives.

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Unknown pain.............

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