Name 19 activities can you list where some form of throwing is included?


Answer 1
Answer: Football
Shot put
Bean bag toss
Hot potato
Thats all i can think of.
Answer 2
Answer: Catch
Monkey in the Middle
Cricket Soccer
Flag Football
Four Square
French Crickets
Hurly Burly
Indoor Net Ball
Dodge Ball
Keep Away

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Question worth 20 points, don’t answer if your not sure!!!! :)))) How does the author develop a feeling of mystery and terror in the passage? Use details and quotations from the text to support your answerBecky moved off of the porch slowly, backing through the door and into the house. She slammed the sliding glass door shut and stood for a moment, relieved to have something solid between her and the snake on the porch.

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"What this requires is some advanced planning," she said out loud to her cat, Louie. "And, I will probably have to go 'once more into the fray' kitty," she said, looking in the cat's direction for emphasis.

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"Let's see, snakes," she said, thumbing through her reptile and amphibian identification book. "It's brown and gray, with some black. With a pattern that looks ... there it is," she said thumping the page so hard that Louie jumped. "Not venomous," she said, triumphantly.

"It's an oak snake, Louie," she returned the book and strode over to her closet. "Not venomous, but I am still not taking chances," she said.

She reached into the closet and pulled out her heaviest jacket. It was lined and stuffed thick with lots of padding. Then she found her mittens and a pair of rubber boots. She knew even non-venomous snakes would sometimes threaten to strike when scared. "And that threat would work on me," Becky said aloud again, though Louie had no idea what she was talking about.

"It's 90 degrees outside, Louie," she said, "so get the iced lemonade ready for when I return."

It wasn't much of a plan, but it was the best she could come up with. With her armor on, she was already sweating when she slowly pushed open the sliding glass door and stepped back on to the porch.

She was pretty sure the snake would slither away from her presence. She propped open the outside door, and hoped she could shoo the snake in that direction.

Sweat dampened her arms and collected on her face. She spread her arms out, and took a few steps toward the snake. There was so much for it to hide beneath. Becky regretted the rocking chairs and all the plant stands between where the snake was in the corner and the door to the outside.

At first it seemed like the snake was just going to remain where it was, flicking its tongue every now and then. Becky waved her arms, lunged in its direction, and stomped her feet. It sat there, coiled in the corner, as if perfectly happy to remain there. In a fit of desperation, she picked up one side of the rocking chair the snake was under and let it drop. The snake jumped, raised its head like it was going to strike, and then stayed right where it was.

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She had read somewhere that snakes can "hear" thanks to the ability to process vibrations through the bone in their jaw. This awareness of vibrations in the ground was one reason it was very hard to sneak up on snakes. She quickly realized that getting the snake out was going to be a lot easier than she had thought.

Becky turned on the radio she kept on the porch and lowered it to the ground, pointing in the snake's direction. She adjusted the controls so that the bass was as high as it could go. Then, she cranked up the volume. She envisioned the snake swaying to the sounds of "Dancing Queen," by Abba, and then leaving the porch and going far, far away.

Coming back into the house, she began peeling off the now damp armaments she had put on earlier. "Louie, there is more than one way to skin a snake," she said laughing. She watched as the snake uncoiled and moved cautiously in the direction of the door. Bending down to pick up Louie, Becky sighed and stroked his head. "'Cause no one ever wants to skin a cat, sweetie."



The answer is D


HELP ME ASAP... PLEASEGabby did not trust anyone who came near her collection of baseball cards.

Which of the following words best replaces the words did not trust in the sentence above?


B distrusted
Dis-not, opposite of
So another was of saying distrusted is not trusted
Gabby distrusted anyone who came near her collection of baseball cards.

What is the job of a storyteller in the giver


The job of the storyteller is to pass on his wisdom and info to the next giver. They don't see colors and only the givers see colors and have emotions. 
The job of the storyteller is to pass on memories to the next giver and generation.

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Cocoa is used to make chocolate and, of course cocoa powder.

Write 658.129 in expanded form


658.129 in expanded form would be writen as :

Final answer:

The number 658.129 in expanded form is represented as 600 + 50 + 8 + 0.1 + 0.02 + 0.009 where each digit's place value is expressed separately.


Writing the number 658.129 in expanded form refers to expressing the number according to the place value of its digits. In this case:

600 + 50 + 8 + 0.1 + 0.02 + 0.009

This is called the expanded form because we have 'expanded' the number to show the value of each digit separately. The digit 6 actually represents 600, 5 represents 50, 8 represents 8, the first decimal digit 1 represents 0.1, the second digit 2 represents 0.02, and the third digit 9 represents 0.009.

Learn more about Expanded Form here:


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