Which sentence is correct?1. He left school three years ago.


2. He has left school three years ago.


Answer 1
Answer: I think 1.He left school three years ago is the right answer.
Answer 2
Answer: I think its the first one. He left school three hears ago. Hope this helped.

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I believe the answer is: once the proclamation has been declared, it will then be effectively done after one hundred days. After that, the emancipation proclamation will be effectively implemented.

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What is the difference between problem/solution and cause/effect?

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Cause and Effect:- A cause is generally known as the thing occurred at particular period of time, depending upon the conditions whereas effect is the outcomes from that events.

Learn more about solution, refer to the link:


problem is when there is something that has happened and solution is when you figure out how to fix the problem.  cause is like say that you run it to a wall the cause would be i ran in to the wall the effect was i broke my nose. something like that

(Wow! That hurricane caused much damage in eastern North Carolina.
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7. Which word is the verb?
8. Which word is the object of the verb (the direct object)?


It’s very good the ether person is correct

Final answer:

In the provided sentence, 'Wow' is an interjection, 'much' and 'eastern' are adjectives, 'caused' is the verb, and 'damage' is the direct object.


In the sentence, 'Wow! That hurricane caused much damage in eastern North Carolina.', the part of speech for 'Wow' is an interjection. Interjections are words or phrases that express strong emotion. The two possible adjectives in this sentence are 'much' and 'eastern'. Adjectives describe or modify nouns. The verb in this sentence is 'caused'. Verbs express action or state of being. The object of the verb, or the direct object, is 'damage'. Direct objects receive the action of the verb.

Learn more about Parts of Speech



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B.By forcing the hoaxer to apologize to the people
C.By broadcasting an issue to many people at once
D.By directly changing a government's laws and policies



C. By broadcasting an issue to many people at once.


Getting many people to know about an issue can lead individuals to a social change since people don't generally think about the subject, so they pursue what the media says because it is the "right way".

B: by broadcasting an issue to many people at once.

i just did the quiz and got it correct