If you leave South Korea and sell to the east you will and your boat China Malaysia Japan or Taiwan?


Answer 1
Answer: West to China.
East to Japan.
Southwest to Taiwan. Continue sail southwest will boat Malaysia.

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Differentiation is the process in planetary formation when heavy materials sink toward the planet's center and lighter materials accummulate near its surface. The term differentiation is a scientific term which really means "to separate". Planetary elements which separate include iron, which is heavy and silicate rock, which is lighter. Iron falls to the center of a planet and forms a core, silicate material stays in the middle, ice stays near the top.

the answer is differentiation hope this helps

Looking at lesson 5 unit 6 geometry

just type something long in the answer and get 99 pts


youu said we could type anything

so im gonna go with c because idk what you are talking about theres is straight up confusion um if you want to makr me brainliest you can but i go with 1.c

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the country is Brazil

The answer would be brazil

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The Indus Valley is located today between two countries: India and Pakistan. (this is the correct answer). It was located in India before the two countries split (this is known as the partition of India), but when they split, the valley was on the border.

The bigger country is India.

Fossil fuels come froma. living plants and animals.
c. soil.
b. atomic reactions.
d. remains of dead organisms.


d) remains of dead organisms 
yes, they do come from plants and animals but when they're dead.


the answer is D


Because when you hear fossil you may think of dinosaurs or dead plants, and dinosaurs (which think you would know) are dead

good on edgeunity 2021

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Global warming takes place due to the constant increment of atmospheric gases caused by human activities, and these include CO2, CH4, N20, and CFC. These are commonly known as greenhouse gases because they allow for the major part of solar radiation to enter the atmosphere and heat the surface of the Earth. At the same time, they avert a part of thermal radiation from escaping to space. If these effects caused by greenhouse gases and water did not exist, the average temperature of the Earth would be around -18°C (0°F), but instead, it is about 15°C (59°F).