Question 12.12. Choose the answer that best describes the item. If no answer describes the item, choose none of the above.Take the bread out of the oven the crust is starting to burn. (Points : 5)
sentence fragment
sentence in inverted order
none of the above

Question 13.13. Choose the answer that best corrects the sentence.

We settled into our sears and the first act began. (Points : 5)
settled, into
act, began
seats and,
seats, and

Question 14.14. Choose the answer that best corrects the sentence.

Nancy is very lucky at horseshoes she always wins. (Points : 5)
horseshoes; she
horseshoes, she
horseshoes and
horseshoes; and

Question 15.15. Choose the answer that best corrects the sentence.

Mark uses three alarrn clocks nevertheless he sometimes sleeps through the alarms. (Points : 5)
clocks, nevertheless,
clocks, and nevertheless
clocks; nevertheless
clocks; nevertheless

Question 16.16. The following sentence may have an error in punctuation. Parts of the sentence are underlined. Choose the underlined part of the sentence that contains an error. If there is no error, choose no error.

The night was cool; yet we wrapped up in blankets, and we stayed warm. (Points : 5)
yet we
blankets, and
no error

Question 17.17. The following sentence may have an error in punctuation. Parts of the sentence are underlined. Choose the underlined part of the sentence that contains an error. if there is no error, choose no error.
We have the data, of course, can we apply it to the theory? (Points : 5)
can we apply
no error

Question 18.18. The following sentence may have an error in punctuation. Parts of the sentence are underlined. Choose the underlined part of the sentence that contains an error. If there is no error, choose no error.

The class read the play and chose a scene to memorize; they planned in fact, tp perform the scene for the school. (Points : 5)
play and
planned, in fact,
no error

Question 19.19. The following sentence may have an error in effective writing. The sentence or part of the sentence is underlined. Choose the best revision for the underlined part. If no revision is necessary, choose the first answer.

The builders noted a flaw in the house's foundation, however they thought it could be fixed. (Points : 5)
foundation, however,
foundation; however
foundation, however
foundation; however,

Question 20.20. The following sentence may have an error in effective writing. The sentence or part of the sentence is underlined. Choose the best revision for the underlined part. If no revision is necessary, choose the first answer.

Joseph woke up late again and missed the bus; he will need; therefore a ride to school. (Points : 5)
bus; he will need; therefore,
bus; he will need, therefore,
us; he will need, therefore
bus, he will need; therefore,


Answer 1
Answer: Question 13.13. seats, and
Question 14.14. horseshoes; she
Question 15.15. clocks; nevertheless
Question 16.16. no error
Question 17.17. data,
Question 18.18. no error
Question 19.19. foundation; however, 
Question 20.20. bus; he will need, therefore, 

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What does Gregor think about his boss?


Gregor thinks that his boss is mean and that he doesn't know what hes talking about. 
Not sure the source this is from, but most bosses are incredibly difficult to get along with so he probably dislikes him.

The best way to ensure parallel construction in your essay is to use similar A. details in each paragraph.
B. topic headings in the outline.
C. sentence structure throughout the essay.
D. paragraph lengths


Topic headings in your outline
So B
Hope this helps!

The best way to ensure parallel construction in your essay is to use similar topic heading in the outline

Tell how victor Frankenstein's parents met.


Coraline/Caroline Beaufort (Victor's Mother) was the young daughter of a friend of Victor's father. Caroline and her father were very poor and her father became ill. Soon, he died and so Victor's father took her in and they later married.

Which question does the Prologue in Romeo and Juliet answer for viewers? A. What started the feud between the families? B. Will the young lovers live happily ever after? C. When did Romeo fall in love with Rosaline? D. How did Romeo and Juliet meet?


B. Will the young lovers live happily ever after? The prologue says that a "pair of star-crossed lovers" will kill themselves, and the feud between the families ends when they die.

Why is it important to ask an event’s participants for feedback on the event? A. It helps project managers pick committee members. B. Feedback is only required if there is food at an event. C. Participants do not like to contribute feedback to an event. D. It helps to improve the event for the participants, which will hopefully increase attendance in future years.


The answer is D) It helps  to improve the event for the participants, which will hopefully increase attendance in future years. (It's like a Primary source)
D--using feedback, organizers can find out what people liked/didn't like, and improve the event.

